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using online primary sources in the curriculum

A couple of weeks ago I made a request for tips on websites that included digitized primary sources and curriculum support for those materials.  Thank you to everyone that responded.

The attachment is an annotated bibliography in an eight-page Word document for folks interested in the compilation.  (There are some exciting pages under development which were not included at this time but which will merit watching.)  All hyperlinks in the document were tested and worked.  If you open the document and find the links garbled-in-transmission, feel free to e-mail me off the list serve, and I will provide those links to you within my e-mail response.

I will be sharing this at ARMA's Government-Education-&-Archives Groups' Midyear Seminar at Archives II in College Park, MD on April 4-5 as part of a panel on "Access to Government Records."  And, yes, I am still looking to add to this document if you are aware of sites I've missed that you think I might want to look up.  Comments, suggestions, constructive criticism would most certainly be welcomed.

Attachment: Using Primary Sources Online.doc
Description: MS-Word document