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Word Processing Department - Retention of Client Documents

I received this from someone who is not on the list and don't remember if this is
a subject that has been discussed.    
My guess is there are many organizations who may have the same problem and
perhaps have some a good solution and/or thoughts  to pass along.
Here's the problem:
"I am doing some work with our Word Publishing department.  I would like to
know if you have any information about how other companies handle this type
of problem. 

The problem is that many of the documents they are keeping do not fit the
retention period associated with the documents.  Many of our retention
periods state "Retain Current plus X years".  Since they are not the "Office
of Record" but are a custodial source, they are unable to identify some of
the documents for a retention period.  
An example would be contracts and agreements.  Our General Retention
Standard for contracts and agreements is Termination of contract plus 6
years, Tax Audit clearance or 1 year after warranty period whichever is
later.  Word Processing keeps the contract on their drive so that they
can make any revisions, also some are updated yearly.  They do not know when
the contract expires and are keeping it for different business reasons."
Any thoughts that any of you would like to pass along.
I have added the Archives List Serv for those who may be wearing two hats or three hats (archives,library,RM). 
Bob Dalton, CRM