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[no subject]

But a few anonymous remarks might be enlightening.  And to cover myself,
these are other people's comments, not mine, and do not reflect upon any
searches currently underway at my institution.

"the resumes...were lackluster"

"it (is) challenging to hire a true professional at the $30,000 range in
this booming economy"

"Two years ago ... the positions were easy to fill - there were many
qualified candidates and hard choices had to be made.  Today ... there are
fewer appropriately qualified applicants and I have for the first time had
to close and reopen a position for lack of qualified applicants."

"Most (under qualified applicants) reflect a desire to change careers
without getting the requisite background."

"A review of the applications show that many people apply for positions
without carefully reading requirements"

"the good ones are snatched up fast - 3 (applicants) had already accepted
positions elsewhere when we called for interviews..."

"much to my surprise, we received nine applications, and all but one easily
met the minimal requirements. ... I was pleasantly surprised by the response
and the qualifications of the applicants in spite of the low salary and the
fact that ... is off the beaten track so to speak."

"even with competitive salaries people don't seem to want to move to ..."

"we can train for technical skills, but not basic communication skills."

"a lot of references have no idea what an archivist does, and are of no help
in evaluating the candidate."

Jill U. Jackson, Archivist
UTSA Library
Special Collections & Archives Department
Tel. 210-458-2385; Fax. 210-458-2386

Address:801 South Bowie, ITC Bldg., Room 3.08.01, San Antonio, TX

URL: www.lib.utsa.edu/Archives/

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