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certified one pass tapes for sale

To fellow list serve members,
If anyone is interested in purchasing used certified tapes, I know of an inventory for sale. All tapes are one pass, most are cleaned and evaluated.  I have been told all tapes are guaranteed or money will be refunded.
Tape formats include beta (30, 60 and 90 minutes) and beta SP (30 minutes) as well as D3 (30, 60 and 90 minutes). 

Beta      183    SONY  BCM    :30 mini
Beta       55    SONY  BCM    :30 mini-nocases
Beta       54    SONY  BCM    :90 large
Beta      392    SONY  BCM    :60 large

Beta SP   340    SONY  BSP    :30

D3      3,528    Maxell TD    :30
D3      1,490    Maxell TD    :60
D3        779    Maxell TD    :90

Except where indicated, all tapes come with cases.

For further information please contact:
Ilene Goldberg
pager # 1-800-718-0668
Please mention that you are responding to the notice on the list serve.

Jessica Berman-Bogdan
Archival Research & Clearances
email   jbb@intac.com