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For more details on the CustomWhite System, see


CustomWhite is by far the most advanced professional tooth whitening
system available on the market today.  If you?re not convinced that
CustomWhite is the best value for your whitening needs, we invite you to
carefully compare our system with our competitors to see for yourself.
But be sure to ask yourself the following questions:

*  Do they use ?boil and bite? mouth trays that leave absolutely NO
ROOM for the whitening agent to sit in the tray and whiten your teeth?
See http://www.customwhite.com/method.htm for more information on the
critically important ?reservoir area? handcrafted in each custom tray
produced by CustomWhite.

*  Do you recognize their brand of whitening material? CustomWhite uses
the famous Rembrandt brand of whitening gel.  See
http://www.customwhite.com/rembrandt.htm for more information on
Rembrandt?s Xtra-Comfort Whitening Gel.

*  Do they use wax or an undisclosed method of making the impressions of
your teeth?  CustomWhite uses a hand-molded, high-tech, safe
thermoplastic material to make your impressions.  Due to our pursuit of a
patent on this revolutionary idea, our attorneys advised us not to go into
any greater detail!

*  AND MOST IMPORTANTLY -- Are they confident enough to invite
you to check out the competition like CustomWhite strongly suggested you

P.S.  For a limited time, CustomWhite?s Professional At-Home Whitening
System is available for only $129.99, which is 75% less than the average
dentist's fee for identical professional whitening systems.

To order, go to our secure site at
https://secure.customwhite.com/order.htm, call toll-free
1-877-WHITEN-1, or fill out and fax the order form below to our toll free
fax number 1-800-783-5603.  Mastercard and Visa Accepted


CUSTOMWHITE.COM  - Where Whiter Teeth is Only a Mouse Click

Further transmissions to you by the sender of this email may be stopped at
no cost to you by sending a reply to this email address with the word
"remove" in the subject line.

Please print out and complete the form below, then fax it to CustomWhite
toll-free at: 1-800-783-5603.

Customer Name:_______________________________________
Customer Address:_____________________________________
Phone Number: (_____)_______________________________
Email Address:______________________________________

WARNING: Credit card fraud is a felony and we will aggressively
prosecute anyone attempting to misuse a credit card number. It is a
felony to provide false information below.

Type of Credit Card. _____Visa _____ MC
Name on Card________________________________________
Bank name on Credit Card:______________________________
Billing Address of Card:________________________________
Credit Card #: _______________________________________

Place a "X" in front of the product you wish to order and select a
___ CustomWhite Whitening System $129.99 -- Quantity ___
___ CustomWhite Refill Kit $24.99 - Quantity ___

I,_________________________________am an authorized user of the
above charge card. (Print full name)

Add $15.00 shipping and handling for each Whitening kit and $6.00
shipping and handling for each refill kit.  PA residents ONLY, add 6%
sales tax.

I authorize CustomWhite to charge a total of $_________________ to my
charge card.  This amount includes the price of the products ordered,
$15.00 shipping and handling for each Whitening kit, and $6.00 shipping
and handling for each refill kit.  PA residents ONLY, add 6% sales tax.

To complete your order, this form must be faxed to the number below.
Your next credit card statement will reflect a charge from
CUSTOMWHITE.  You understand that you may return the kit prior to
making the impressions of your teeth and receive a refund for the purchase
price (not shipping), however, there are no refunds after CustomWhite
manufactures your custom mouth trays.

If you have any questions, please call 1-800-WHITEN-1.

Thank you.
Washington Crossing, PA.

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