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Re: EAD Software?


I'd suggest that if you're interested in users' comments on various EAD tools,
you may want to bring this up on the EAD list (for details see
http://lcweb.loc.gov/ead/eadlist.html )

The list is fairly active, although because of its narrower scope, it does not
carry as much traffic as the Archives list, and the discussion is pretty
focussed on EAD issues.  Subscribers range from novices to experts and the
exchanges range from highly theoretical to gritty practical; queries of a
general nature to those querying re: specific details.

I think you'll find your questions well received by the subscribers.

Holly Hodges
Special Collections Librarian

(Brief subscription instructions in case you have problems accessing the above
URL, as clipped from the page.)

To Subscribe to the List