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[Fwd: [alis] PRIMARY SOURCE]

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This is just once a month but of great interest to us all! IMLS electronic

Find out how museums and libraries across the country use IMLS awards to
further their service to the public. The Primary Source will help provide
the latest information about IMLS grant programs, explain funding
priorities, showcase successful grant proposals and highlight IMLS
research and publications.

Every issue will provide valuable links to information at the Institute of
Museum and Library Services' web site. We hope you enjoy the publication
and invite your suggestions and comments.  E-mail them to the newsletter
editor at theprimarysource@imls.gov.

**Please do not reply to this e-mail.**  This message is generated
automatically.  If you have problems subscribing or unsubscribing, please
email postmaster@imls.gov.  Comments about The Primary Source should be
sent to theprimarysource@imls.gov.


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message to: subscriptionservice@imls.gov. In the body of the message, put
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TO: subscriptionservice@imls.gov.

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TO: subscriptionservice@imls.gov.
subscribe jsmith@differentplace.com

If you have any technical problems or comments about the automatic IMLS
Subscription Service, please contact our webmaster at webmaster@imls.gov.


Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Coordinator of Community Outreach, College of Arts & Sciences
Professor, School of Library & Information Science,
University of South Florida, CIS 1040,
Tampa, FL 33620    813-974-9182
http://www.cas.usf.edu/lis/faculty/mccook.html     kmccook@chuma.cas.usf.edu

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