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RAIN 07/24: Missing?

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Reuters 7/21/00
NBC Finds Milton Berle's Historical Kinescopes

by Steve Gorman
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A priceless piece of television history that
legendary comedian Milton Berle feared was lost forever appears to merely
have been buried under some clutter at NBC.
The television network said on Friday it has found nearly all of the filmed
recordings, or kinescopes, of Berle's early TV shows that the veteran
entertainer had claimed were missing.
Berle, 93, sued NBC for more than $30 million in May, accusing the network
he helped build in the early 1950s of either misplacing or giving away
kinescopes of 128 of his original comedy shows in violation of an agreement
giving him and NBC co-ownership and mutual control of the film reels.

The Tocqueville Connection 7/18/00
Chase Manhattan blocks access to its Nazi era archives: WJC

New York, July 18 (AFP) - US bank Chase Manhattan is blocking access to
information on its activities dating from the Nazi occupation of France, a
top World Jewish Congress official said Tuesday.
WJC executive director Elan Steinberg said the bank, whose French subsidiary
Chase Bank handed Jewish bank accounts over to the Vichy government, failed
to put into effect a 1999 agreement with Jewish organizations allowing them
to inspect its archives.
"We are no longer in contact with Chase because they will not allow
independent access to their archives," Steinberg said.

Nando Times 7/23/00
Missing Kohl files found in conservative group's archives

Agence France-Presse
BERLIN (July 23, 2000 8:52 a.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - Many of the
missing files from former chancellor Helmut Kohl's last six years in office
have turned up in the archives of a conservative German foundation.
The deputy director of the Konrad Adenauer foundation archives, Hans-Otto
Kleinmann, told the weekly Bild am Sonntag newspaper that former chancellery
minister Friedrich Bohl had handed over a large number of files to the
"Along with files from his time in parliament, Bohl also gave us files from
his office in the chancellery," he said. Ninety percent of those files, the
paper reported, are among those the German government said had been
destroyed just before Kohl left office in 1998.

New Scientist 7/22/00
Lasers reveal ancient words of wisdom

Kurt Kleiner
When some 12th-century monks in Constantinople needed to write a prayer
book, they found an old parchment and scraped it clean. Tragically, they
scraped off seven treatises by Archimedes, the 3rd century BC Greek
mathematician. The treatises had been transcribed by monks two hundred years
But now restoration experts at the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore,
Maryland, has commissioned a team from nearby Johns Hopkins University and
the Rochester Institute of Technology to transcribe the complete work,
including lines that couldn't be read before. The "Archimedes Palimpsest"
was rediscovered in 1907 and some of it was painstakingly transcribed with
the help of a magnifying glass. But the manuscript disappeared during the
First World War, and didn't resurface again until 1998, when a collector
paid $2 million for it.

Knoxville New-Sentinel 7/23/00
Giley regrets disclosure of student's records

by Laura Ayo
The University of Tennessee apologized to former football captain Spencer
Riley for the public disclosure of his student records last fall as part of
an agreement to dismiss his federal lawsuit against the university.
The university will also be taking new steps to strengthen its policies
concerning access to and disclosure of student records and information
contained in those records, UT President Dr. J. Wade Gilley said Friday.
"On behalf of the University of Tennessee and its board of trustees, I
apologize for the public disclosure of your student records last fall, and I
sincerely regret any difficulty or embarrassment the disclosure may have
caused you and your family," Gilley wrote in a letter dated Thursday to

Worcester Telegram & Gazette 7/22/00
City police records sought by newspaper
Police records testimony heard

by John J. Monahan
Worcester -- Lawyers for the Police Department and the Telegram & Gazette
yesterday argued in court over a proposal to allow the newspaper's attorney
to privately review files covering police misconduct investigations to
determine if they should be released to the public.
In a hearing before Worcester Superior Court Judge James P. Donohue, city
attorney David M. Moore argued that records of investigations into police
misconduct complaints should not be seen by anyone outside of the police
Internal Affairs Division.

Seattle Times 7/23/00
Doctor finds files, says he did OK police officer

by Mike Carter
A psychologist found a file in his storage shed yesterday that proves
Seattle Police Officer Tommie Doran underwent a psychological examination
and was deemed fit for duty after he shot an intoxicated motorist in 1988.
The discovery of the missing file brought an apology from the psychologist,
who earlier said he never met with Doran or certified him ready to return to
the streets.

Independence Online 7/23/00
Zim court orders reopening of ballot papers

Harare - A High Court judge has ordered the reopening of sealed ballot
papers to investigate allegations of vote rigging for a seat won in last
month's elections by a senior official of President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF
party, news reports in Harare said on Sunday.
Judge president Godfrey Chidausiku's order on Friday to the
registrar-general is the first court hearing of up to 30 challenges by the
opposition Movement for Democratic Change to Zanu-PF's narrow victory in
parliamentary elections on June 24 and 25.

Washington Times 7/21/00
Evidentiary hearing ordered on e-mail

by Jerry Seper
A federal judge Thursday ordered an evidentiary hearing concerning
accusations by a public interest law firm that the White House lost
thousands of e-mail messages and later obstructed justice when it sought to
cover up the fact the messages were missing.
U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth, who earlier this week accused the
White House of keeping him in the dark about how long it would take to
restore thousands of lost Clinton administration e-mail messages, ordered
the July 31 session after ruling that the facts in the case are "clearly in
dispute and cannot be resolved without a hearing."

Boston Globe 7/23/00
Knowing when to hole'em, throw'em out

by Charles Jaffe
My FAMILY'S 15-YEAR-old cat, Yummy, spit up a hairball all over some unfiled
paperwork in the basement, soiling some paid bills and other papers that
were displaced from filing cabinets during the construction of a new home
Rather than refile those documents, most were thrown out.
Certain financial papers must be kept, but the majority of documents could
instead be used as kitty litter.
Even in a house like mine, where papers are purged fairly often,
money-related papers pile up fast. Cleaning up after Yummy was a good
reminder of which documents truly are worth hanging on to.

Salt Lake Tribune 7/22/00
SLOC opening all bid-era documents

by Mike Gorrell
With a federal grand jury indictment handed down, Salt Lake Organizing
Committee President Mitt Romney said he is ready to open all bid-era
documents to public inspection.
But there are a few caveats.
As before, requested documents will be reviewed by SLOC legal staff and
edited to delete information protected under law because it deals with
personnel issues, contracts or matters of attorney/client privilege.
And it also is possible that some materials could be held back, Romney
acknowledged, if attorneys for the U.S. Department of Justice or defendants
Tom Welch and Dave Johnson say those papers contain information important to
their arguments about the merits of Thursday's 15-count indictment.

Ann Arbor News 7/23/00
Historical society seeks museum deal with city

by Marianne Rzepka
The Ypsilanti Historical Society is hoping to work out a deal with the city
of Ypsilanti to buy the local museum the group has operated for years.
"It's the most significant commitment the Historical Society has ever made,"
said William Edmunds, past president and current member of the group's
The historical society would like to buy the building at 220 N. Huron St.,
as well as the former carriage house in back, Edmunds said. The group's
representatives will meet with city officials about it July 27.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 7/22/00
50 years of documents on lead paint sought

by Greg J. Borowski
Seeking to expose city responsibility for childhood lead poisoning problems
in Milwaukee - which is poised to sue the paint industry - the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce filed a massive open records request Friday.
Lawsuit advocates say the request, which runs seven pages and seeks 50 years
of documents, is an attempt to derail Tuesday's Common Council vote by
diverting attention from the paint industry's role in the issue.
"It's bullying by the industry and their supporters to get the council not
to do what is right," said Ald. Mike D'Amato, a leading lawsuit advocate.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Manager, Records Management
Woodside Summit Group, Inc
Richmond, Virginia
Tel: 804-744-1247 extension 23
Fax: 804-744-4947

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