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Reference Librarian GS-1410-11 San Francisco Maritime NHP

Please announce the following vacancy for Reference Librarian GS-1410-11 at
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, which provides access to a
library of more than 33,000 volumes, and a major body of archival and
manuscript collections exceeding 6,000 feet of records documenting the
maritime history of the Pacific West Coast.

Note the closing date of 08/31/2000 and contact potential candidates who
may be away from their e-mail at this time.

The position is also listed at


Vacancy Announcement Number: PGSO-00-106-DEU

Opening Date: 07/31/2000 Closing Date: 08/31/2000

Position: LIBRARIAN GS-1410-11

Salary: $45059 per year

Duty Location: 1 vacancy at SAN FRANCISCO NHP, CA San Francisco, CA

Applications will be accepted from: All qualified persons. U.S. Citizenship
is required.

Major Duties: As Reference Librarian, assists patrons finding information
and materials in the library or archives or directs them to museum
collection. Answers complex questions for Park staff and for the public
when reference and research skills are essential to work effectively.
Provides specialized reference and research services for a variety of
audiences with vastly divergent needs. Uses automated cataloging systems;
national on-line bibliographical systems, local databases, word processing;
and other automated tools to retrieve materials, as well as legacy systems
that include typed card catalogs and hand-written indexes. Assists users in
requesting copies, whether xerograhic, photographic, or digital.

Qualifications Required: All librarians must meet the requirements for
professional education in library science or posses equivalent experience
as shown for GS-7; however, applicants typically enter at grade GS-9 on the
basis of a master's degree in library science.

For GS-7: Applicants must meet the requirements specified in paragraphs A,
B, or C below.
A. Completion of 1 full academic year of graduate study in library science
in an accredited college or university, in addition to completion of all
work required for a bachelor's degree; OR,
B. Completion of all the requirements for a '5th-year' bachelor's degree in
library science and at least 1 year of library experience that included the
performance of duties in one or more functional areas of librarianship at
the GS-5 or higher grade level; OR,
C.  A total of at least 5 years of a combination of college-level
education, training, and/or experience. To qualify on this basis, the
applicant must establish conclusively that the education, training, and/or
experience provided a knowledge and understanding of the theories,
principles, and techniques of professional librarianship; a knowledge of
literature resources; and the knowledge and abilities essential for
providing effective library services. 1. Applicants must pass a subject-
matter test in library science.
2. If an applicant qualifies on the basis of college-level education, he or
she must have had at least 1 year of library experience comparable in
difficulty and responsibility to that of a GS-5 or higher level library
technician, technical information specialist, or subject-matter specialist,
e.g., a chemist, performing library services.
3. If an applicant qualifies on the basis of experience alone, with no
college-level education or training, he or she must have had at least 2
years of library experience comparable in difficulty and responsibility to
that of a GS-5 or higher level library technician.
4. An applicant may qualify under any time and quality equivalent
combinations of the requirements shown in paragraphs (2) and (3). 5.
Specialized training, e.g., training at a school for library technicians or
through 'in-house' courses, will be allowed appropriate credit depending
upon its applicability and extent. For Librarian (appropriate
specialization): Applicants must also possess specialized knowledge of a
subject-matter field and/or proficiency in one or more foreign languages
directly related to the position(s) being filled. When such knowledge is
required for the position, an applicant's education or experience must have
included or been supplemented by the requirements specified in one of the
paragraphs below:
(a) A full 4-year course of study in an accredited college or university
that meets all academic requirements for a bachelor's degree that included
at least 24 semester hours in the specialized field for which the applicant
is being considered, e.g., physical science, biological science, social
science; or that included any combination of subjects with at least 15
semester hours in a major subject (such as physics or chemistry) that is
especially applicable to the position for which the applicant is being
considered; OR,
(b) (b) Completion of at least 24 semester hours of legal study in an
accredited law school for positions primarily concerned with providing
library services in law or legislative reference; OR,
(c) (c) Four years of pertinent experience of such nature and level to
provide a knowledge of the basic principles, theories, practices,
techniques, terminology and expressions of the appropriate discipline or
subject-matter field; an understanding of the standard methods, procedures,
and techniques of research and analysis in the subject-matter field;
ability to acquire additional information about field and related fields;
and some knowledge of literature resources in the field. Such experience
should be equivalent to that which would have been acquired through
successful completion of a full 4 -year curriculum in an accredited college
or university with major study in appropriate subjects, or combination of
subjects, as specified in (a) above; or legal training as specified in (b)
above; OR,
(d) (d) Any time equivalent combination of experience as described in (c)
with education as described in (a) or (b) above; OR, (e) Demonstrated
ability as shown by education or experience to read or translate
information from one or more foreign languages into English.

Additional Requirements for GS-9 and Above:

A. Completion of all the requirements for a master's degree or 2 full
academic years of graduate study in library science, in an accredited
college or university; OR,
B. In addition to meeting the basic requirements for GS-7, one of the
1. One year of professional experience in librarianship that included the
performance; supervision, or administration of one or more major functional
areas of librarianship (i.e., selection, acquisition, cataloging and
classification of materials, bibliographic and readers' advisory services,
reference and literature searching services, library management, systems
planning, or development and strengthening of library services). Some
positions are highly specialized in one functional area, and may require
that the advanced experience be in appropriate function; OR,
2. One year of professional or advanced experience in the subject matter or
language that provided the applicant with the professional technical,
language, or other specialized knolwedge and abilities required by the
particular position. Such experience may have been gained as a specialized
librarian; or as a subject specialist, professor or teacher, translator,
technical writer or editor, literature searcher, indexer, or abstractor,
etc. in the particular subject-matter and/or language area; OR,
3. Completion of all the requirements for a master's degree or 2 full
academic years of graduate education a subject-matter field that is
especially applicable and that provided knowledge required to perform the
duties of the position.

Knowledges, Skills and Abilities Required:

1. Specialized knowledge of theory, procedures, and practices of library
science, with special emphasis on reference services in libraries and

2. Knowledge of and skill in the application of information technologies to
reference services.

3.  Ability to work effectively with a variety of clientele, including
volunteers, employees, members of cooperating organizations, and the
general public.

4. Specialized knowledge of one of the following subject areas: history,
social sciences, arts, technology, or humanities.

5. Demonstrated skill in both oral and written communication.

Note: Credit will be given for all qualifying experience regardless of
whether compensation was received or whether the experience was gained as a
part-time or full-time occupation. Full-time work is generally considered
to be 35 to 40 hours of work per week. Part-time experience will be
credited on the basis of time actually spent in appropriate activities. To
receive credit for such experience, applicants must indicate clearly the
nature of their duties and responsibilities in each position and the number
of hours per week spent in such employment.


--Individuals who have special priority selection rights under the CTAP or
ICTAP programs must be well qualified for the position to receive
consideration for special priority selection. CTAP and ICTAP eligibles will
be considered well qualified if they obtain a score of '85,' NOT INCLUDING

--Federal employees seeking CTAP/ICTAP eligibility must submit proof that
they meet the requirements of 5 CFR 330.605(A) for CTAP AND 5 CFR 330.704
for ICTAP. This includes a copy of the agency notice, a copy of their most
recent performance rating and a copy of their most recent SF-50 noting
current position, grade level, and duty location. Please annotate your
application to reflect that you are applying as a CTAP or ICTAP eligible.

Basis of Rating: No written test is required. All candidates will be
evaluated based upon their written description of work experience and/or
education completed. Candidates who meet the minimum experience and/or
education requirements as described above will be ranked based upon their
possession of the knowledge, skills, and/or abilities (KSAs) listed above.

To receive full consideration, candidates should submit a narrative
statement on a separate page(s) with specific responses to each of the
KSAs. Provide clear, concise examples for each KSA listed. Relate your
experience to the position for which you are applying. Use examples which
show the depth of knowledge, level of skill, or degree of ability you have.

Failure to submit narrative responses may result in candidates not
receiving full credit for their experience/education.

Pay, Benefits and Work Schedule: Full-time, Permanent position

Conditions of Employment:

--Male applicants born after December 31, 1959, must certify that they have
registered with the Selective Service System, or are exempt from having to
do so under the Selective Service Law.

--A background security investigation will be required for all new hires.
Appointment will be subject to the applicant's successful completion of a
background security investigation and favorable adjudication. Failure to
successfully meet these requirements will be grounds for termination.

Other Information:

Applicants must submit a copy of college transcript or list of college
courses that includes hours and grades.

New employees of the Department of the Interior must identify a financial
institution for direct deposit of new pay within 30 days of entrance on

Your Social Security Number is requested under the authority of Executive
Order 9397 to uniquely identify your records from those of other
applicants' who may have the same name. As allowed by law or Presidential
directive, your SSN is used to seek information about you from employers,
schools, banks, and others who may know you.

If you make a false statement in any part of your application, you may not
be hired; you may be fired after you begin work; or you may be subject to
fine, imprisonment, or other disciplinary action.

How To Apply: Applications must be mailed to the address indicated on the
first page of the announcement.
1. All application materials must be postmarked no later than the closing
date of this announcement and received within five (5) working days.

2. You must submit the following materials to receive consideration.
INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS will result in your not receiving full
consideration for this vacancy. Do not attach such forms as position
descriptions, letters of recommendations, training, etc.

--A resume, the Optional Application for Federal Employment (OF 612), or
other written format. Your resume or application must contain the

--Announcement number, title and grade of this position.

--Your full name, mailing address, and day and evening phone number. --
Social Security Number.

--Country of citizenship.

--Work experience (Include job title, duties, employer's name and address,
salary, starting and ending dates, hours worked per week. Indicate if we
may contact your current supervisor).

--Education (High school, college or universities, majors, type and year of
any degrees received or total credits earned (specify semester or quarter
hours)). You must provide a copy of your college transcripts or list of
college courses (include the number of semester hours or quarter hours per
course) with your application. You must submit evidence that any education
completed in a foreign institution is equivalent to U.S. educational
standards. Failure to provide this material or evidence may result in your
receiving no further consideration.

--Veterans' preference (If claiming 5-point veterans' preference, attach a
copy of your DD Form 214. If claiming 10-point veterans' preference
complete and attach a copy of Standard Form 15, Application for 10-Point
Veterans' Preference, plus the proof required by that form.) The Defense
Authorization Act of November 18, 1997, grants preference to anyone who was
released from the service under honorable conditions and served a minimum
of two years on active duty, any part of which occurred during the Gulf War
(from August 2, 1990, through January 2, 1992, regardless of where the
person served or for how long (a Reservist must have served the full period
for which called to active duty)). The law also authorizes the Armed Forces
Expeditionary Medal for service in Bosnia during Operation Joint Endeavor
(November 20, 1995 - December 20, 1996) and Operation Joint Guard (December
20, 1996 - to be determined). The Secretary of each military department
will decide which members are eligible. The award of the Armed Forces
Expeditionary Medal is qualifying for veterans' preference. More
information on veterans' preference is provided in OPM's VetGuide available
on the Internet at www.opm.gov.)

--Narrative statement addressing your qualifications in terms of the
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities identified within this announcement.

--Individuals who are eligible for consideration under a special hiring
authority (e.g., 30% compensable veterans, VRA eligibles, severely
handicapped individuals, former Peace Corps and VISTA Volunteers, etc.)
will be accepted and considered non-competitively for this vacancy. Special
hiring authority eligibles must indicate on their application if they are
applying under a special program and submit proof of eligibility with their
application. The VRA hiring authority is limited to positions at the GS-11
level and below. Applicants who wish to be considered under an appropriate
special hiring authority as well as under the competitive examining process
must submit two complete applications. When only one application is
received from a special hiring authority eligible, it will be considered
under the appropriate special hiring authority only.

--This agency provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with
disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the
application and hiring process, please notify the agency. The decision on
granting reasonable accommodation will be on a case-by-case basis.

Applications will not be returned. It is the applicant's responsibility to
provide documentation or proof of claimed qualifications, education,
veterans' preference, status, and/or verification of eligibility for non-
competitive appointment. Applicants will not be solicited for further data
if that provided is found to be inadequate or incomplete.

PRIVACY ACT INFORMATION: The application you submit for this position
contains information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579), 5
U.S.C. 552a). We are required to provide you with information regarding our
authority and purposes for collecting this data, the routine uses which
will be made of it, and the effect, if any, of nondisclosure.

It is against the law to use Government envelopes or mail services
(electronic included) to submit applications (18 USC 1719). For additional
information about this position please contact:



Please submit your application package to:


The Federal Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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