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NAGPRA's Evolving Legacy training course

The University of Nevada, Reno is please to announce the offering of our course "NAGPRA's Evolving Legacy"
scheduled for December 6-8, 2000 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Course Description:
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act  (NAGPRA) was enacted in 1990 to address the rights of lineal descendants,  Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations to certain Native American  cultural items. Since that time, museums and federal agencies have provided  Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations with summaries of their Native American collections and inventories of human remains and associated funerary objects in their control. Federal agencies have also provided information to Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations regarding inadvertent discoveries and planned excavations on federal and tribal land.
 This course is designed to help those affected by the law to comply with its ongoing obligations in a timely and meaningful manner. The legislative history and regulations are reviewed as a basis for effective decision making. Special attention is given to the consultation  requirements imposed by the statute and to review committee recommendations and case law that elaborate on the regulatory definitions and procedures. Grants available through the National Park Service are also discussed. The course consists of lectures, video case studies and class exercises.


- The Honorable Sherry Hutt is a judge with the Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix, Arizona.
- C. Timothy McKeown, Ph.D., is with the Archeology & Ethnography Program of the National Park Service

Course Dates:     Dec. 7-9, 2000 Honolulu, HI

Course Cost:        $525

Questions and registration:

For course location, registration and information contact Crystal Metzenheim at:

University of Nevada, Reno
College of Extended Studies
Continuing and Distance Education/048
Heritage Resources Management Program
Reno, NV 89557

Ph (775) 784-4046 or toll free (800) 233-8928
E-mail:  crystalm@unr.edu

tel;fax:775 784-1605
tel;work:775 784-4046 or 800 233-8928
org:University of Nevada, Reno
title:Program Development Specialist
note:Visit our web site at:   www.dce.unr.edu/hrm
adr;quoted-printable:;;College of Extended Studies=0D=0AContinuing and Distance Education/048;Reno;NV;89557;
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