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Re: Archives Week Planning


I work in a "little" Archives too.  When I wanted to celebrate the Archives 25th. anniversary here, I did some creative photocopying of some of the more entertaining photos in our collection.  I then used color pencil to color the photocopies and added captions regarding the commemorative event.  I purchased some inexpensive T-shirts (white) and had Kinko's (or you could use any large copying center) transfer the images to the T-shirts.  In my case, the T-shirts were prizes in a drawing.  I also had a few extra made for the student workers who helped me with the event (we had lots of displays up, an "open house" atmosphere with cookies and punch, etc.).  The T-shirts were a big hit, lots of people signed up for the drawing and really wanted those shirts!  The resolution may not be the greatest on these attachements (images I used for the shirts), but perhaps they will give you an idea?  

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Description: JPEG image

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Description: JPEG image

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Description: JPEG image