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Labor Archives Roundtable

Title: Labor Archives Roundtable
The Labor Archives Roundtable will be meeting Sept. 1 from 3:30 - 5:00.  The room will be announced in your packet program.  The first half of the meeting will be the usual business and quick up dates from members.  The second half of the meeting will be a presentation from Mark Walker,  Director of the  Archaeology of the Colorado Coal Field War Project.  He will be discussing his latest work and findings at the  Ludlow Massacre tent colony site. For more information follow this link http://www.du.edu/~markwalk/fieldschool.html
All those interested in archeology field work or Colorado history or just curious please stop by.
Daniel Golodner
AFT Archivist
Walter P. Reuther Library of Labor and Urban Affairs
Detroit, MI 48202
phone: 313-577-8988
fax: 313-577-4300       
e-mail: Daniel_Golodner@wayne.edu                 
website:  http://www.reuther.wayne.edu
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