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Call for Presentations -- ARMA Midyear -- April in Atlanta

Call for Presentations
BEYOND 2001:  Managing Information in Science and Technology 
ARMA International ISG Mid-Year Seminar

When:  April 3-4, 2001
Where:  Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Content:  Specifically designed to resolve issues for Educational & Archives
Federal/ State/Local Government, Government Contractors, Health Care,
and Pharmaceutical. 

"Science & Technology" and "Fundamentals" are wide open themes.   Consider
sharing your experiences as part of a panel discussion (a great way to
participate as a "first timer"), a lecture, a workshop, or a case study.

This seminar is being held at Emory
University one of the Nation's premiere research universities, which is
located near the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the
headquarters for the National Cancer Society.  Therefore, it is natural that
the seminar will focus on the challenges and opportunities of managing
information generated by the Health, US Government, Contracting and
Education industries. 

We need sessions that concentrate on the difficulties and challenges of
managing research records in an electronic, textual, and audio-visual
environment and the unique difficulties in preserving and disposing of
information created and maintained.  

Guidelines and Instructions:

The Planning Committee is encouraging all those involved in archives & the
and information management (RIM) industry, to submit a presentation proposal
for the
Mid-Year Seminar.

The ARMA International ISG Seminar is divided into 3 educational tracks, in
the areas of fundamentals and technical. All sessions address industry
trends, standards, innovations and advances.

Please note: sessions presented by vendors should remain non-commercial in
nature and content.

Speaker Obligations:

Speakers are required to provide session handouts prior to the seminar for
inclusion in the proceedings binder. You will also be asked to comply with
any deadlines regarding information pertaining to your session.

Submitting Your Proposal

To be considered for a presentation, your submission must be postmarked by
October 2, 2000.  A separate submission for each session that you are
proposing should be made on copies of the application form enclosed. Your
completed entry packet should include the following:

· A completed application form;
· A biography including a list of recent speaking engagements;
· A typed, 250-300 word description of the session you are proposing;
· A brief (100 words or less) session description to be included in the
seminar brochure;
· An electronic version of your session description, session title,
speaker(s) names and organization submitted on a PC-formatted diskette and
labeled with software type and version (Microsoft Word preferred);
· Speaker fees or travel expense reimbursement requirements (should be
included on application form).

You will be notified no later than November 13, 2000 regarding the selection
of your presentation.

For additional information please contact Jimmy Harrison, US Government
Sector Manager, 404-639-0457 or  jyh5@cdc.gov

 "Call for Presentations" Submission Form

Please type or print all information. If you are submitting more than one
session topic, use a separate form for each proposal.
I am submitting this presentation for ARMA International's ISG Mid-Year
Seminar in Atlanta, GA on April 3-4, 2001. (Please provide the following
information for all presenters)

Your Name____________________________________________________




City/State/Province/Postal Code/Country____________________________



 Are You an ARMA Member?________________   

Presentation Title_______________________________________________

My presentation is designed to fit the following educational track:

___ Fundamentals___ Technical

Session Level:  _____ Basic_____ Intermediate     _____ Advanced

Sessions are generally scheduled for 1-¼ -hour time slots. Does your session
require a double time slot?  _____ Yes    _____ No

Have you presented this session elsewhere?  _____ Yes   _____ No

Location: _______________________________________

Have you spoken at a previous ARMA International Conference?  _____ Yes
_____ No

If Yes, What Year(s)? _______         

Do you charge a speaker fee or require travel expense reimbursement?

Send this form with abstract, synopsis, and biography to:  Jimmy Harrison,
CDC, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop E-11, Atlanta, GA 30333 or jyh5@cdc.gov

Paul R. Bergeron
City Clerk
229 Main Street
Nashua, NH 03060
Telephone: 603/594-3305
Fax: 603/594-3464

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