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[Ecdl2000-announce] Call for Papers: International Conference on Media Futures

 PS: Sorry for duplications !

 Deadline for abstracts is 31st October !!!!!

                        Call for Papers
          International Conference on Media Futures
                Florence, Italy - 8-9 May 2001

                        Organised by
AEI - Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana
                        On behalf of
Eurel - Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers of

Aims and Scope
The last few years have seen the technologies of media digitisation,
inexpensive processing power, standard forms of programmatic content and
delivery of information in digital form, particularly digital television
and IP networks, taking hold. The spreading like wild fire of such
phenomena like digital television, personal recording, MP3, the World
Wide Web and end-user file sharing has triggered the further development
of technologies to search for content. Furthermore, it has highlighted
the importance of such technologies as content management and
protection; triggered the long-awaited rush to provide interactive
broadband to the end user; provided the first cases of e-commerce; and,
created the precursor of a future digital television. The interaction of
the individual technologies enhance their innovation potential and more
changes are bound to happen because of the many unexpected ways the
different technologies will interact. Technology is an important
enabling force but true progress stems from novel business models that
are beginning to be tested.
This conference will provide a forum where different propositions of
Media Futures enabled by the evolution of existing technologies and the
proliferation of new technologies can be assessed. Papers are solicited
that discuss the nature of such technologies, the interaction potential
with other technologies and their impact, particularly as far as the
synergistic or antagonistic nature with existing business models or the
potential to create opportunities for new such models is concerned.


1. Content production
· Data and image capture
· Multimedia authoring tools
· Studio quality technologies
· Content re-use
· Content creation for broadcasting and the net
· Virtual Reality
· Interactive material

2. Content management and protection
· Content identification
· Watermarking
· Indexing
· Metadata
· Rights management

3. Access technologies
· High speed access technologies
· Integrated access devices
· Field experience with new applications
· Perceived broadband interactivity

4. Distribution technologies
· Streaming technologies
· Netcasting
· Multicasting
· Digital broadcast
· Satellites
· In-home and personal networks
· Mobile multimedia
· Broadcast vs streaming and simulcast
· Audio-video services via 3G systems
· New wireless distribution technologies
· We talk about thousand channels... while actually we may see
· World survey: which programs via which transmission media and where

5. Protocols
· Protocols for real-time media delivery
· Network programming interfaces
· Internet II
· Network scalability
· Content sharing protocols
· Distributed intelligence

6. Digital economy
· Automatic negotiation technologies
· Towards novel media value chains
· Models for commerce and industry
· End-to-end solution
· Vertical vs. horizontal solutions

7. Consumer terminals and appliances
· Personalisation technologies
· DVB and Internet for audiovisual content delivery
· Multimedia home platform applications
· Wearable technologies and media
· Multimedia car platform
· Ubiquitous storage & access
· Consumer display technology
· Wall screen
· Secure distribution in the home
· Transmission to things besides receivers

8. Content consumption modes
· Intelligence in signals
· Integration of different forms of media consumption
· Media on-the-fly
· 3D and shared virtual reality
· TV anytime
· Enhanced and linked content
· Technologies for content search

9. Social aspects
· Social aspects of media
· Regulatory issues
· Distribution in the third world

Conference committees

Steering Committee
Paul Spruyt, Alcatel
Werner Lauff, Bertelsmann
Sharon Springel, Cambridge University
Stephen Casner, Cisco
Leonardo Chiariglione, CSELT
Charles Sandbank, DTI
David Wood, European Broadcasting Union
Augusto de Albuquerque, European Commission DG Information Society
Ulrich Reimers, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Jacques Guichard, France Telecom
Ebrahim Mamdani, Imperial College
David Maher, InterTrust
Yoshiaki Kushiki, Matsushita
Andrew Lippman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kazumasa Enami, Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Fred Boekhorst, Philips
Cary Sherman, RIAA
John Gage, Sun Microsystems
Hans-Georg Musmann, Universität Hannover
Hiroshi Yasuda, University of Tokyo

Program Committee
Georgi Agoston, Hungarian Broadcasting Corporation
Kiyoharu Aizawa, University of Tokyo
Gillian Cramton-Smith, Royal Academy of Arts
Bob Ely, BBC
Gerard de Haan, Philips
Christoph Dosch, IRT
Gerard Fernando, Sun
Wilfried Geuen, Panasonic European Labs
René Geys, Alcatel Bell
Takuyo Kogure, Matsushita
Franc Kozamernik, EBU
Daniel Lecomte, Alcatel
Bernard Marti, CNET
Yasumasa Nakata, Fuji Television Network
Ivan Negro Isola, Fundação Padre Anchieta
Fernando Pereira, IST
Patrick Purcell, Imperial College
Ralf Schaefer, HHI
Takanori Senoh, Matsushita
Greg Thagard, TimeWarner/AOL
Toshiro Yoshimura, NHK

Paper submission
Those wishing to offer a contribution should submit a synopsis in
English of up to 2 pages (without figures, font 10) to be received by
Email (Word, pdf or ps formats) by the Secretariat at the address:
conferencesaei@aei.it on or before 31 October 2000.
The first page should include the title, author(s),affiliations, contact
address, and topic from this call addressed.

Important dates and further information
31 October 2000         Abstracts received
15 January 2001         Notification of acceptance issued
01 March 2001           Camera ready copy received

Working Language
The working language of the Conference is English which will be used for
all printed material, presentations and discussions

The Conference will be held at the Centro Affari, Piazza Adua 1,
Florence (Italy) in the heart of the city, only five minutes walking
distance from Santa Maria Novella Train Station. Hotel accommodations
within the vicinity of the Conference venue will be available to

Programme and Registration
Registration forms and programme details will be published a few months
before the event and will be sent to those who complete and return the
Updated information will be always available at

The Conference is being organised by the AEI Associazione Elettrotecnica
ed Elettronica Italiana

Daniela Fioramonti
AEI - Ufficio Centrale
P.le Morandi, 2
20121 Milano (Italy)
Tel. + 39 02 77790205/218
Fax + 39 02 798817
Email: conferencesaei@aei.it


o  Name ??????????????????????????????

o  Organisation ????????????????????????????

o  Address ??????????????????????????????

o  Postcode ?????????????????????????????

o Country ??????????????????????????????

o  Telephone ?????????????????????????????

o  Facsimile ?????????????????????????????.

o Email ???????????????????????????????

Return to:
Daniela Fioramonti
AEI - Ufficio Centrale
P.le Morandi, 2
20121 Milano (Italy)
Tel. + 39 02 77790205/218
Fax + 39 02 798817
Email: conferencesaei@aei.it

I am interested in the Conference and require?.. copy/ies of the
Programme and Registration Form
I wish to offer a contribution provisionally entitled


Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira, Ph.D., Professor
Instituto Superior Técnico - Instituto de Telecomunicações
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, PORTUGAL
Phone:  + 351 21 8418460           Fax:    + 351 21 8418472
E-mail: Fernando.Pereira@lx.it.pt WWW: http://www.img.lx.it.pt/~fp/

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