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Re: Disney Animation Research Library Inside Tour

Daryl's question is a good one.  I think it would be very questionable for any publically funded organization like a state university archives to do something of the like unless it were for a charity fund-raiser.  Disney, however, is not publically sponsored.  It is a for-profit private enterprise, which is under no obligation to allow access to anyone except (some) employees.  If Disney wants to use their archives as a source of revenue, that's their choice, and I don't see anything unethical about it.

My personal opinion is that someone has more dollars than sense if they are willing to pay over five grand for a tour of *any* archives.

Just my two bits worth.
C. V. Mutschler, Ph.D.
University Archivist
Eastern Washington University
*The University doesn't speak for me, I don't speak for the University*

"Maxwell, Daryl" wrote:

I am just curious to see what others on the list think about this.  While I might be able to understand doing this for charity, I have to wonder/question the ethics of doing something like this purely for profit.  My immediate reaction is that this is wrong, but I am curious to see if anyone else has a different viewpoint that makes sense.  Would anyone else consider doing this with their institution?

I also have to admit to being absolutely astounded at the amount the high bidder is willing to pay!!

Daryl A. Maxwell
Assistant Archivist
Universal Studios

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