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Archival statistics - not the usual reference kind

Dear colleagues,

I am looking for statistics related to accessing and caring for historical
records.  Specifically, I would like to know how much of our country's
archival material is estimated to be sitting in attics and basements in need
of a persistent archivist's help - How much personal material, corporate
records, government records?  How much valuable archival material is
estimated to have been destroyed over our country's history?  How much time
do researchers or caretakers of historical records spend looking for
materials in a disorganized storage setting as opposed to an organized
archives?  I'm not sure anyone has gathered these kinds of statistics and
realize some are pretty obscure.  I didn't find any info. in the Archives
List archives.  I've also searched Library Lit. and the Web.

As a consultant, I am working toward convincing the powers that be of the
need to devote more monetary resources and attention to archives.  I'd like
to get some hard and fast statistics to assist with an article that I'm
writing on the subject.

Thanks as always for your assistance!

Melissa Mannon
Archives and Information Consulting Services

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