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RAIN: "send along the files"

Boston Globe 11/6/00
BC Students find hard evidence
>>The Rev. Stephen Schloesser was teaching a class on the 20th century
>>imagination when he had a brainstorm - why not let his Boston College
>>students, who were reading ''The Power and the Glory,'' take a peek at
>>papers of the book's author, Graham Greene?
>>So Schloesser called up BC's rare books library, which five years ago
>>acquired Greene's 60,000-item collection, and asked the librarian to send
>>along the files on the novel.

the story doesn't say if the librarian/archivist did just send the files
right along.  I'd like to think that the students were invited to visit the
rare books library instead.  Does anyone know?


Lisa May
Diocese of Galveston-Houston

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