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So you wanna talk copyright . . .

I have a copyright scenario for you.  I'm interested in any feedback you may have.
We received a donation recently of 100+ color slides.  The slides are of museum artifacts (in situ exhibit photos) taken by the donor (we're talking tags, exhibit labels, the whole ball of wax here).  Some are of theme rooms (recreated laboratories).  There are two schools of thought regarding these slides and who owns copyright.
1.  The photographer owns copyright because he's the one who actually took the picture.
2.  The museum owns copyright because he's taken a picture of the artifact as it is on display in the museum.
I'm falling into number two, but it's created enough of a stir around here that I thought I'd throw this out to you in lieu of another election debate.  :)
Many thanks,

Susan Hamson

Othmer Library of Chemical History
Chemical Heritage Foundation
315 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA  19106-2702
Voice: 215-925-2222
Fax: 215-925-6195

The views expressed in this message are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Chemical Heritage Foundation.