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Dear Friends:

 Those of us who have marveled at the tremendous impact that the Local Government Records Management Improvement Program has had over the last decade in our State have longed for a similar program for our local historical societies and museums.  Now is our chance to act and we must do so as soon as we can.

 Please act to support the New York State Historical Records Advisory Board?s terrific initiative Rediscovering New York History and Culture, which will provide seven million dollars annually to 3,000 community archives museums and historical societies in New York.  Included in this thoughtful program is substantial funding for archival and artifact preservation, a greatly expanded DHP grant program, and computer upgrades for local museums and historical societies to name but a few aspects of the initiative.  Although we are all busy before the holidays, the Governor and legislative leaders need to hear from us all NOW.  For details about to whom to write to( especially the Governor and your local state legislator)  and what to say, see http://www.manyonline.org/RediscoverNY1.htm.   Thanks for caring!

Richard Strassberg
Kheel Director
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives
Martin P. Catherwood Library
Ives Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14859-3901
Telephone: 607-255-3183
Facsimile: 607-255-9641
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