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Re: Humidifiers

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:53:15 -0500
 "Childs-Helton, Sally" wrote:

> Yes, you read it correctly--our HVAC system pulls the humidity levels in
> the
> building down to as low as 10 percent in the winter, and I need advice on

> humidifiers, preferably industrial strength.  The system was installed in

> the building in 1963-4, and there's no way we're going to get any support

> for adding a humidifier to the HVAC system.  Stand-alone humidifiers
> designed for use in homes just don't last and don't kick out enough
> humidity.  If you know of a good stand-alone industrial-strength
> humidifier,
> I'd appreciate the information.  At least we don't have to worry about
> mold!
> Best,
> Sally Childs-Helton, Ph.D.
> Special Collections/Rare Books Librarian
> Butler University Libraries
> 4600 Sunset Avenue
> Indianapolis, IN 46208
> 317-940-9265
> schildsh@butler.edu

We'd like to know what you find out about an industrial strength
humidifier, as we're experiencing similar lows with construction in our
building. Good luck!

Joan E. Denman
Archival Reference Specialist
Institute on World War II
& the Human Experience
Department of History
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2200

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