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teaching history

I second Peter's VA report and add that they have more Virginia history
in high school.
Re: school programs - - I have been a volunteer at the National Archives
for x years and we give in house (at NARA) and outreach programs to
schools. (also to community groups for grown-ups: Lions, garden clubs,
senior centers, Elderhostel, AAUW, etc.)  I always enjoyed it, and they
are well received.  We had one school from Richmond make a day of it -
-kids up at 4 to get the train to DC, teachers very well prepped,
questionnaires for the kids - -a great program!  Many of the Docents go
back to the same schools and teachers each year. Used to have a regular
session for DC schools at a central location, kids would go there with
the class.  Unfortunately, some of this will be on hold while the
building is closed for renovations.  Hopefully the outreach will
For those of you out in the great beyond (the Beltway) - Archives
education branch and the docents are working on teleconferencing
programs. I am having dinner with my friend who's involved with the
project tonight, write me tomorrow if interested in more info, and check
the NARA site.

n:Pearson;Jane Douma Pearson
org:The History Factory
fn:Jane Douma Pearson