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Boston Public Library. Guidelines for Behavioral Performance.

Boston Public Library
[ BPL logo http://www.bpl.org/WWW/graphics/homepg_graphic/BPLlogo.gif ]

Copley Square
700 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
T 617.536.5400

December 26, 2000

Telephone Requests for
General Administrative Notices
Received December 4 and December 8, 2000

I am in receipt of staff messages for your public
 records request on December 4, 2000
 "...to [be] sent future GANs" and on December 8, 2000
 "...to be placed on our email list to receive GANs as

 Pursuant to 950 CMR 32.06, an estimate has been
 compiled for the cost of fulfilling your request.
[ http://www.state.ma.us/sec/pre/prelaw/lawidx.htm ]

 Based on the period December 18-22, it is estimated
 that it would take a clerical staff member
 approximately 10 minutes each week at
 $13.76/hour to retrieve, separate and photocopy the
 requested documents, at a weekly cost of

 Based on that same time period it is estimated that
 each week's compilation of General Administrative
 notices would contain approximately
 13 pages of paper.

 The estimated cost of copying, at 20 cents per page,
 would be
 $2.60 each week.

 Upon receipt of a check for
 $4.89, we will compile an initial week's materials
 pursuant to your request.

In recognition of the potential ongoing expense to be
 incurred by you for the compilation of this request,
 the Library would make the requested document available
 for your on site viewing in the President's Office,
 Monday-Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

 It is estimated it would take a clerical staff member
 5 minutes at $13.76/hour to retrieve the requested
 documents each week.

 Upon receipt of a check for
 $1.15 the Library will compile an initial week's
 materials pursuant to your request, and will notify
 you when it is available for your on site review.

Sincerely yours,
Ruth E. Kowal [ rkowal@bpl.org ]
Director of Operations
[ http://www.bpl.org/query.idq?CiRestriction=Kowal&CiScope=%2F&CiMaxRecordsPerPage=10&TemplateName=query&CiSort=rank%5Bd%5D&HTMLQueryForm=query.htm ]

[ http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Ruth+Kowal%22&hl=en&lr=&safe=off ]
[ http://www.alltheweb.com/cgi-bin/search?type=all&query=%22Ruth+Kowal%22 ]

cc: Stacey Bloom,
    Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Boston
    [ mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ]
    [ www.ci.boston.ma.us ]

Books are just the beginning.

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      Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Services

   RASD Ad Hoc Committee on Behavioral Guidelines for Reference and
   Information Services. Approved by the RASD Board of Directors, January


   Most of the literature on the evaluation of reference services has been
   concerned with the factual accuracy of librarian responses to user
   queries. Many studies have been conducted to determine if patrons are
   receiving "correct" information from librarians. As has been well-reported
   in the reference literature, we collectively succeed according to this
   measure of service quality only slightly more than one-half of the time.
   However, these studies do not take into account the complex
   librarian/patron interaction during the reference process.

   Reference performance cannot be measured solely by the accuracy of an
   answer to a factual question. In many cases, the librarian serves as a
   research consultant who provides guidance and advice on search strategy
   and process, rather than providing a specific answer to a factual
   question. In cases such as this, the success of the transaction is
   measured not by the information conveyed, but by the positive or negative
   impact of the patron/librarian interaction. In this type of transaction,
   the positive or negative behavior of the librarian (as observed by the
   patron) becomes a significant factor in perceived success or failure.

   In an effort to provide librarians and information professionals with
   specific guidelines for this complex process, in 1992 the President of the
   Reference and Adult Services Division created an Ad Hoc Committee on
   Behavioral Guidelines for Reference and Information Services. The
   committee met several times at the ALA Annual and Midwinter conferences.
   Their goal was to identify and recommend observable behavioral attributes
   that could be correlated with positive patron perceptions of reference
   librarian performance. The committee identified several areas in which
   behavioral attributes could be directly observed, including
   approachability, interest, listening/ inquiring, searching, and follow-up

   These guidelines are intended to be used to assist in the training,
   development, and/or evaluation of librarians and staff who provide
   information services directly to library users. They are designed
   primarily to deal with instances in which the patron and the librarian are
   working face to face. While many of the guidelines also apply to other all
   reference transactions, some will need to be adapted for remote users and
   persons with special needs.

  1.0 Approachability

   In order to have a successful reference transaction, the patron must be
   able to identify that a reference librarian is available to provide
   assistance and also must feel comfortable in going to that librarian for
   help. Approachability behaviors set the tone for the entire communication
   process between the librarian and the patron. The initial verbal and
   non-verbal responses of the librarian will influence the depth and level
   of the interaction between the librarian and the patron. At this stage in
   the process, the behaviors exhibited by the librarian should serve to
   welcome the patron and to place him/her at ease. The librarian's role in
   the communications process is to make the patron feel comfortable in a
   situation which may be perceived as intimidating, risky, confusing, and
   overwhelming. To be approachable, the librarian:

   1.1 Is poised and ready to engage approaching patrons and is not engrossed
   in reading, filing, chatting with colleagues, or other activities that
   detract from availability to the patron

   1.2 Establishes initial eye contact with the patron.

   1.3 Acknowledges the presence of the patron through smiling and/or open
   body language.

   1.4 Acknowledges the patron through the use of a friendly greeting to
   initiate conversation and/or by standing up, moving forward, or moving
   closer to the patron.

   1.5 Acknowledges others waiting for service.

   1.6 Remains visible to patrons as much as possible.

   1.7 Roves through the reference area offering assistance whenever

  2.0 Interest

   A successful librarian must demonstrate a high degree of interest in the
   reference transaction. While not every query will contain stimulating
   intellectual challenges, the librarian should be interested in each
   patron's informational needs and should be committed to providing the most
   effective assistance. Librarians who demonstrate a high level of interest
   in the inquiries of their patrons will generate a higher level of
   satisfaction among users. To demonstrate interest, the librarian:

   2.1 Faces the patron when speaking and listening.

   2.2 Maintains or re-establishes eye contact with the patron throughout the

   2.3 Establishes a physical distance which appears to be comfortable to the
   patron, based upon the patron's verbal and nonverbal responses.

   2.4 Signals an understanding of the patron's needs through verbal or
   non-verbal confirmation, such as nodding of the head or brief comments or

   2.5 Appears unhurried during the reference transaction.

   2.6 Focuses his/her attention on the patron.

  3.0 Listening/Inquiring.

   The reference interview is the heart of the reference transaction and is
   crucial to the success of the process. The librarian must be effective in
   identifying the patron's information needs and must do so in a manner that
   keeps the patron at ease. Strong listening and questioning skills are
   necessary for a positive interaction. As a good communicator, the
   librarian: 3.1 Uses a tone of voice appropriate to the nature of the

   3.2 Communicates in a receptive, cordial, and encouraging manner.

   3.3 Allows the patron to state fully his/her information need in his/her
   own words before responding.

   3.4 Rephrases the patron's question or request and asks for confirmation
   to ensure that it is understood.

   3.5 Uses open-ended questioning techniques to encourage the patron to
   expand on the request or present additional information. Some examples of
   such questions include:

     * Please tell me more about your topic.
     * What additional information can you give me?
     * How much information do you need?

   3.6 Uses closed and/or clarifying questions to refine the search query.
   Some examples of clarifying questions are:

     * What have you already found?
     * What type of information do you need (books, articles, etc.)?
     * Do you need current or historical information?

   3.7 Seeks to clarify confusing terminology and avoids excessive jargon.

   3.8 Uses terminology that is understandable to the patron.

   3.9 Maintains objectivity and does not interject value judgments about
   subject matter or the nature of the question into the transaction.

  4.0 Searching

   The search process is the portion of the transaction in which behavior and
   accuracy intersect. Without an effective search, the desired information
   is unlikely to be found. Yet many of the aspects of searching that lead to
   accurate results are still dependent on the behavior of the librarian. As
   an effective searcher, the librarian:

   4.1 Constructs a competent and complete search strategy.

   4.2 Breaks the query into specific facets.

   4.3 Identifies other qualifiers of the query that may limit results, such
   as date, language, comprehensiveness, etc.

   4.4 Selects search terms that are most related to the information desired.

   4.5 Searches under the most limiting aspects of the query first.

   4.6 Verifies spelling and other possible factual errors in the original

   4.7 Identifies sources appropriate to the patron's need that have the
   highest probability of containing information relevant to the patron's

   4.8 Consults guides, databases, or other librarians for assistance when
   he/she cannot independently identify sources to answer the query.

   4.9 Discusses the search strategy with the patron.

   4.10 Encourages the patron to contribute ideas.

   4.11 Explains the search sequence to the patron.

   4.12 Attempts to conduct the search within the patron's allotted time

   4.13 Accompanies the patron (at least in the initial stages of the search

   4.14 Explains how to use sources when the patron shows an interest.

   4.15 Works with the patron to narrow or broaden the topic when too little
   or too much information is identified.

   4.16 Asks the patron if additional information is needed after an initial
   result is found.

   4.17 Recognizes when to refer a patron to a more appropriate library,
   librarian, or other resource person.

  5.0 Follow-up

   The reference transaction does not end when the librarian walks away from
   the patron. The librarian is responsible for determining if the patron is
   satisfied with the results of the search and is also responsible for
   referring the patrons to other sources, even when those sources are not
   available in the local library. For successful follow-up, the librarian:
   5.1 Asks the patron if the question has been completely answered.

   5.2 Encourages the patron to return to the reference service point.

   5.3 Returns to the patron after the patron has had time to study the
   information source(s).

   5.4 Consults other librarians when additional subject expertise is needed.

   5.5 Makes arrangements, when appropriate, with the patron to research a
   question even after the patron has left the library.

   5.6 Tries to ensure that the patron will get appropriate service after a
   referral by providing accurate information to the other department,
   library, or organization about the question, the amount of information
   required, and sources already consulted.

   5.7 Facilitates the process of referring a patron to another library or
   information agency through activities such as calling ahead, providing
   direction and instructions, and providing the library and the patron with
   as much information as possible.

   5.8 Refers the patron to other sources or institutions when the query
   cannot be answered to the satisfaction of the patron.

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   Contact: Donavan Vicha, RUSA Web Program Officer: dvicha@ ala.org
   View Webmaster's page for rationale behind RUSA Web page design.

   Copyright (c) 2000, American Library Association.
   Last Modified: Tuesday, 28-Mar-2000 09:44:15 CST

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