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Westerm Washington ARMA Chapters - Spring Seminar


Bellevue Eastside

Greater Seattle

Mt. Vernon Regional &

Puget Sound Chapters


 ARMA International

 proudly present

The Western Washington


Spring Seminar 2001

Friday, March 2, 2001

Radisson Hotel at Sea Tac

17001 Pacific Highway South

(206) 244-6000


Sponsored by

Content Technologies, Inc. • FileNet • Filetex

The File Box • FreeDoc • Iron Mountain

Micro Com Systems LTD • OmniRIM

Sound Business Systems • Spacesaver Northwest

Washington Archives Management

Registration and Continental breakfast 7:30-8:30.


Track One

Knowledge Management - 8:30-12:00 ERIM - 1:30-2:45

Jan Duffy

As we move into the 21St Century, the need for rapid access to relevant knowledge has never been greater. In this, the century of creativity and ideas, the most valuable resources available to any organization are human skills, expertise, and relationships. Knowledge management is all about capitalizing on these precious assets.


Some of the key questions that will be answered in this presentation are:

1      What does knowledge management (1(M) mean in the context of the 21st Century organization?

2       What forces are driving the adoption of KM solutions and Electronic Records and Information Management (ERIM) solutions and who is involved in the decision-making process?

       3       What emerging tools and technologies play a role in KM and ERIM solutions, and how will the convergence of   traditional and new information technologies affect the KMIERIM technology infrastructure?

Jan Duffy is Group Vice President of Solutions Research for 1DC Canada.  Ms. Duffy is a frequent speaker at

leading industry and business events, symposia, and conferences including the ARMA International Annual Conference. Ms. Duffy has guest lectured at North and South American Universities. She currently writes a column for the Information Management Journal and recently completed a book entitled  “Harvesting Experience - Reaping the Benefits of Knowledge.”

Track Two

Records Management 101 -- 8:30 - 12:00, -1:30-2:45 Belinda Bartels, CRM and Micky Hogue, CRM

This full day session will introduce the attendee to the basics of Records Management. The day will be broken

up into several 101 level classes, including defining RIM, conducting a records inventory, preparing a reten­tion schedule, and managing records in a multi-media environment.

Belinda Bartels, CRM is currently the Records Manager for the Law and Corporate Affairs division of

Microsoft Corporation. Ms. Bartels has been very active in ARMA since 1981 on both the chapter and

International levels. For the past five years, she has served on the Board of Regents for the Institute of

Certified Records Managers (ICRM.) Currently serving as Vice President of the ICRM, she also represents the

ICRM on the Steering Committee of CIMA (the Collaboration of Information Management Associations.)


Micky (Molde) Hogue, CRM is a Records Analyst for Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mrs. Hogue holds a Master’s degree in U.S. History and Archives Management

from the University of Colorado and a Certificate of Records Management from the University of Washington.


Ms. Bartels and Mrs. Hogue both taught for seven years in the University of Washington Records Management Certificate Program, introducing Records and Information Management to over 200 graduates.


Panel Discussion - All Attendees

KM/ERIM Enabling Technologies - 3:00-4:30

Jan Duffy, Moderator

The panel will explore the various technologies available that support a knowledge management strategy.

Panelists from the records management software, imaging, and document management areas will be represented, including Becky Kiedrowski from FreeDoc, David Lane from FileNet, and Art BelIis from Systems Auditing.


ICRM CMP Credit Approved

This seminar has been pre-approved for 7.5 hours of ICRM CMP credit.


Register Early & Save!

Early Registration Prior to February 7:        ARMA Members

                                                                      $125 Non-members $140


Registration After February 7:                          ARMA Members

                                                                      $140 Non-members $155


Registration Includes:

Continental breakfast, lunch, and afternoon break.



Confirmation of your registration, including detailed directions will be sent via e-mail unless otherwise requested.



Contact Sue Lord, Seminar Treasurer and Registrar at 253-383-3791, (slord@vjglaw.com.)


Detach here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



YES! Reserve my place at the Western Washington ARMA Spring Seminar 2001.

Please register me for:  [  ]  Track One  [  ] Track Two


Name:__________________________________________________ Title_____________________________








Method of Payment:

[  ] Check enclosed. Please make check payable to: Puget Sound Chapter - ARMA.

[  ] Visa /Mastercard Number_______________________________ Expiration Date____________________

Name as it appears on your credit card:________________________________________________________

[  ] Purchase Order Number:_________________________________________ (Invoices will be sent.)

Mall to: Western Washington ARMA Spring Seminar 2001, do The Puget Sound Chapter - ARMA

International, P0 Box 1842, Tacoma WA 98401-1842, or

Fax to: Sue Lord, 253-383-6377


Contributions or gifts to ARMA, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.