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Security Conference for Libraries, Museums, and Archives

Registration is still open ...

Security Issues in Libraries, Museums, and Archives

North Carolina Preservation Consortium Annual Conference

March 28, 2001    8:30 am - 4:00 pm

North Carolina Museum of Art
2110 Blue Ridge Road
Raleigh, NC

NCMA phone # (919) 839-6262

The North Carolina Preservation Consortium invites you and your colleagues to attend our annual conference.  This year we will address our duty to protect North Carolina cultural collections from theft, destruction, and mutilation.  Speakers will discuss the fundamental elements of collection security planning, policies, and procedures, with effective preventative strategies and responsible institutional action following theft or vandalism.

Morning refreshments will be served at 8:30 am.  The NCPC Business meeting will commence at 9:00 and presentations will begin at 9:30.  Registration is $25 for employees of NCPC member institutions and $35 for nonmembers.  Payment includes a buffet lunch in the NC Museum of Art.  Registration forms may be printed from this web site ...


Presentations ...

ALA Library Security Guidelines
Henry DuBois is Associate Dean of the California State University Library in Long Beach and is a representative for the Security Guidelines Subcommittee of the ALA BES Safety & Security of Library Buildings Committee.  The guidelines are available on the ALA web site   

Establishing security guidelines for libraries and theft follow-up 
Linda McCurdy is Director of Research Services in the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University.   

Legal aspects of library security
Thomas M. Steele is Professor of Law at  the Wake Forest University School of Law.

Daily living with museum security
Mike Dougherty is Security Director at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. 

Registration Form (print this email and complete)

Security Issues in Libraries, Museums, and Archives

North Carolina Preservation Consortium Annual Conference

North Carolina Museum of Art March 28, 2001







____   $ 25.00 (employees of NCPC member institutions)

____   $ 35.00 (nonmembers)

Do you require Americans with Disabilities accommodations? _______

Registration includes lunch.  Would you prefer a vegetarian meal? _______

To register please make your check payable to the North Carolina Preservation Consortium and mail with registration form to;

Roger Loyd, NCPC Treasurer
Divinity School Library
Duke University
103 Gray Building
Box 90972
Durham, NC 27708-0972

Registration forms may also be printed from this web site ...


For additional information contact,

Robert James, NCPC President
Phone (919) 662-3607
Email  rmjames@gwmail.wake.tec.nc.us 

Kim Armstrong, NCPC Vice President
Phone (919) 962-8022 
Email Armstrong@trln.org 

Roger Loyd, NCPC Treasurer
Phone (919) 660-3452
Email roger.loyd@duke.edu 




Robert James
Director of Library Services

Bruce I. Howell Library
Wake Technical Community College
9101 Fayetteville Road
Raleigh, NC   27603 
Phone (919) 662-3607

Fax (919) 662-3575

Email rmjames@gwmail.wake.tec.nc.us

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