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Academy Announces Early Recertificaiton Program

Due to the high number of Certified Archivists eligible to recertify in the summer of 2002, the Academy of Certified Archivists is offering those members the opportunity to recertify a year early.


Early recertification will ease the work of petition reviewers. However, it also offers benefits for participants. If you already have the 100 points needed for recertification, you may use your points now without losing the excess credits you will accrue this year and next. And, the Academy will extend your certification period from 5 years to 6.


Persons eligible to recertify in 2002 should already have received a notice in the mail about this one-time special program. If you are unsure about your eligibility, please contact the ACA office at 518-463-8644 or aca@caphill.com.


If you have the needed 100 recertification points at the end of your fourth year of this certification cycle and would like to participate in this voluntary program, you can obtain a copy of the recertification form and guidelines on the Academy's new web site, www.certifiedarchivists.org. You may also request a copy of the documents from the Academy's offices.


This early certification opportunity is entirely voluntary. Eligible archivists who prefer are welcome to wait until the summer of 2002 to renew their certification.