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Washington Post 03/20/00
Frederick riveted by tawdry tale
Call Girl business records prompt rumors, lawsuits

by David Snyder
In the photograph posted on her Internet site, she sits on a large black
motorcycle, nude except for a black handkerchief wrapped around her blond
The motorcycle's headlight is blinking, and Angelika E. Potter, aka
"Steffie," is smiling mysteriously. As if she has a secret.
And she does. She knows something that city elders in Frederick may not want
you to know.

Las Vegas Review-Journal 03/20/01
Government Openness: Push on for more disclosure
Some lawmakers pursue posting reports on Web

by Rachael Myer
WASHINGTON -- Responding to growing pressure for access to information and
research, lawmakers are making available to the public documents and reports
they use to make decisions about the laws that govern the nation.
The U.S. House of Representatives has started a test program to post on the
Internet reports written by the Congressional Research Service. Sen. John
McCain, R-Ariz., has introduced a resolution for the Senate to follow suit.

The Log Cabin Democrat 03/19/01
Battling Time
Death rate of vets spurs UCA archivist

by Fred Petrucelli
It's a race against time that Jimmy Bryant has undertaken and the finish line
is quickly approaching.
The archivist at the University of Central Arkansas has designs on making UCA
the center for the preservation of World War II remembrances.
Time is of an essence since World War II vets are succumbing at a lamentable
rate. It has been estimated that some 100,000 World War II veterans die every

Union News 03/20/01
Few answers in search for lost records


by Betsy Calvert
BERNARDSTON - Critical financial records for Cushman Hall appear to have
literally gone up in smoke or been lost by big banks, selectmen say.
The board continues its six-month search for records of what happened to an
$80,000 mortgage taken out on the town-owned apartment building in 1991, and
what happened to trust money for the building, including a $36,000
certificate of deposit.

Philadelphai Inquirer 03/20/01
Court halts shifting of artifacts from Civil War museum

by Stephan Salisbury
Philadelphia Orphans Court issued a temporary injunction late yesterday
barring the Civil War Library and Museum from moving any part of its vast
collection of artifacts, documents, photographs, artworks and books to sites
outside Philadelphia.
The order came in response to a request from the state Attorney General's
Office, which maintained in a suit filed yesterday that the museum, founded
in 1888, is bound to the city by the terms of its own charter.

Independent Florida Alligator 03/20/01
Student newspaper files motion for Earnhardt photos

by Joe Black
(U-WIRE) GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- Despite a settlement between the Orlando
Sentinel and the family of Dale Earnhardt, the Alligator's publisher, Campus
Communications Inc. will continue its court fight against sealing the racing
legend's autopsy photos.
Teresa Earnhardt, widow of the NASCAR legend, had sued the Volusia County
Medical Examiner to block the release of records concerning her late husband
to keep media from obtaining copies.
The Sentinel wanted a medical expert to examine the photos as part of a
NASCAR safety story.

PRNewswire 03/20/01



ST. PAUL, Minn., March 20 /PRNewswire/ -- CareSource -- the largest Medicaid
HMO in Ohio, providing medical services to 86,000 Medicaid recipients in
thirteen counties -- has implemented O'Pin Systems REVEAL(R) enterprise
reporting system and Archive to improve productivity and reduce record
storage costs while meeting regulatory requirements. Users in finance,
provider relations, call-in service center, and claims are using REVEAL to
create reports from multiple sources and distribute them efficiently
throughout the organization. All reports and documents are now stored in
REVEAL Automated Archive and Retrieval.

BusinessWire 03/19/01
Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. Selects IXIASOFT XML Content Server to Power
Intranet for Storage and Retrieval of Key Technical Documents

ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 19, 2001-- Rochester Gas & Electric
Corporation (NYSE:RGS - news), today announced that it would begin evaluating
the use of a powerful Extensible Markup Language (XML) database content
server developed by IXIASOFT of Montreal, Canada to store and retrieve
essential technical documents via its intranet.
Now, more of the utility's engineers and operations personnel will be able to
conveniently and quickly access up to 1 million documents pertaining to
engineering documents, operational procedures, and maintenance work orders.

Arkansas Democrat Gazette 03/21/01
SB 897 a bad rewrite of FOIA

by Meredith Oakley
One slight addition to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act that probably
should have been made years ago is contained in Senate Bill 897 by Republican
Sen. John Brown.
If that were all Brown proposed to do, citizens would be better served by the
FOIA than they are now.
Still not as well served as they were before state officials during the
Clinton administration started chipping and hacking away at it, but a tad
better than they've been served since the serious onset of the Computer Age.

Arizona Daily Star 03/21/01
Identity-theft bill gains in watered down form

by Rhonda Bodfield Sander
Tucson Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords thought it would be a simple aid in
the fight against identity theft in Arizona:
Businesses that keep sensitive information on customers just need to destroy
the documents before throwing them away.
Her bill was more easily introduced than passed.
"Because of the way lobbying works in the Legislature, the businesses -
small, large, international, domestic - have many voices here, but the
average citizen is hardly heard," Giffords said. "This bill is not intended
to punish or overly regulate businesses. My constituents would just be
appreciative of a little more privacy."

Boston Globe 03/21/01
State's history stashed in cramp quarters


by Michael Mello
Associated Press
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) A chunk of the tree where George Washington took
command of the American army in 1775 a gift to Rhode Island from
Massachusetts sits atop a file cabinet.
An 1864 petition from ''Colored Citizens'' demanding equal education is
hidden away. A wooden box that carried papers from a British Commission
investigating the burning of the schooner Gaspee in 1772 is in a
temperature-controlled room in the state archives, out of public view.

Chicago Tribune 03/21/01
Costly havens for history, humbug

By Stevenson Swanson
HYDE PARK, N.Y. From unpretentious beginnings in this Hudson Valley village,
presidential libraries have become increasingly elaborate and expensive
showplaces aimed at staking a president's claim to greatness, financed by
enough private money to run a presidential campaign.
The plain fieldstone building that houses Franklin D. Roosevelt's papers here
cost $376,000. By contrast, the price tag on President Bill Clinton's
proposed library in Little Rock, Ark., has been estimated at $100 million to
$125 million. Following the precedent set by Roosevelt more than 60 years
ago, construction will be financed with private donations.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va

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