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Re: Microfilm

Canon (http://www.canon.com) sells microfilm readers that double as
scanners.  They are able to digitize images on microfilm, which are then
stored as any one of several image formats.  I don't think they offer OCR
(optical character recognition) capability, which would permit the creation
of text files.  My last institution had a Canon microfilm reader, which was
one of the better ones I have used - in terms of legibility on screen and
in paper output - but did not purchase the software and cable (to connect
the reader/scanner and a PC) needed for digital imaging, so I cannot
provide an eyewitness account as to how well it works.

Joseph M. Komljenovich
Assistant Archivist
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Any comments or statements made in this transmission reflect the views of
the sender and are not necessarily the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York.

                    Rob Persons
                    <rob@ROPERCENTER.UCO        To:     ARCHIVES@LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU
                    NN.EDU>                     cc:
                    Sent by: Archives &         Subject:     Microfilm

                    04/16/2001 10:09 AM
                    Please respond to
                    Rob Persons

I'm new to this listserv and have a question that may have already been
discussed here.  Is there any software in the works to convert microfilm to
PDF or a text image files?

-- Rob Persons
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
University of Connecticut

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