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file size

Good Morning,
My query revolves around the quantity/quality issue, and concerns the delivered file size of scanned images made available through archival institutions across the web.
Does anyone have statistics or references to information about the maximum file size the archival audience will patiently download. Conversely, I also need information of the minimun file size that can be delivered, and still retain a reputation for quality of presentation.
We are producing bitonal images of 17th and 18th century microfilmed original documents where heavy foxing and bleed through are major issues. If a grayscale appearance can be achieved with dithering, a good quality of images can be produced while in a batch scan mode. However, the resulting file sizes fall (generally) between .5 MB and 4 MB.
 Our master copies will be the higher quality images, it is the presentation image that I need to justify.
Thanks in advance for the help,
Cathy Brown, CA
North Carolina State Archives
Raleigh, NC 27601
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