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Re: DVD's successor

Why not use zip disks for this purpose? They cost a little more, but the ones I have store 100 MB a piece.

Barbara M. Pope, M.L.S.
Reference Librarian
O.J. Cloughly Alumni Library
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
4588 Parkview Place
St. Louis, MO 63110
Voice: +1 314-367-8700, ext. 1001
Fax:    +1 314-367-2784
Email:  bpope@mail.stlcop.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Southern [mailto:esouthern@NCSL.DCR.STATE.NC.US]
Sent: 20 April, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: DVD's successor

            From Seamus Ross, "Changing Trains at Wigan: Digital Preservation and the Future of Scholarship", p. 28, n. 16, quoting another source:  "[T]o store the digital version of Star Wars Episode I required nineteen 18 GB hard drives and Toy Story covered more than 300GB of storage...."

Edwin Southern, Ph.D  (esouthern@ncsl.dcr.state.nc.us)
Head, State and University Records Unit
Department of Cultural Resources      
Division of Archives and History
Archives and Records Section       
Government Records Branch                           
4615 Mail Service Center                                    
Raleigh, NC 27699-4615

Phone 919/733-3540
Fax 919/715-3627

Opinions expressed in this message may
not represent the policy of my agency.

-----Original Message-----
From: Archives & Archivists [mailto:ARCHIVES@LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU]On Behalf Of Steven Smolian
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 12:42 PM
Subject: Fw: DVD's successor

Subject: DVD's successor

Does anyone know how much space an uncompressed hour of US videotape requires?  How much a similar length of uncompressed 35mm color film?  How long does a long but not ridiculously long film actually run?  It seems to me we should now be thinking from the top down and establish a measure to guide future developments, this process or the next.  A film or video equivalent to the Beethoven 9th, used during the design of the CD, should be established before things become frozen.
Steven Smolian    301-694-5134
Smolian Sound Studios