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RAIN 4/24: Privacy, Preservation and Open Records

The Times of India 4/23/01
New Act to open up govt records for public scrutiny

by Shivani Singh
NEW DELHI: In a country where near-paranoid secrecy has long been the
watchword in governance, the Delhi government hopes that its recently passed
Right to Information Act will cut through the bureaucratic straitjacket that
prevents the ordinary citizen from getting official information.
For instance, a local resident fed up with power-cuts could go to his
nearest DVB office to see whether the new transformer promised by the board
has been put in place. And the records would have to be shown to him. That,
at least, is now the law.

Associated Press 4/23/01
E-World: Berkeley professor has a plan to turn the Net into a vast hard

by Tom Weber
The Wall Street Journal
BERKELEY, CALIF. -- From budget spreadsheets to vacation photos, we're all
piling up vast amounts of digital information. So where's the best place to
keep it all? John Kubiatowicz, a professor at the University of California
campus here, says the answer is easy: everywhere.
Mr. Kubiatowicz believes the way to protect information is to spread it
around. So he and a team of Berkeley researchers are developing something
they call OceanStore, a global information storage system woven into the
Internet. They are essentially trying to build the world's largest hard
drive -- and then make it crash-proof.

Washington Business Journal 4/20/01
Company intranets keep employees on the same page

Mie-Yun Lee
If you want to share a document companywide, do you e-mail it to everyone?
Perhaps you make dozens of paper copies instead, giving one to each employee
and filing the extras away. Or maybe you save a master in one of the various
shared directories on your company network.
As your business grows, you'll need to find a more efficient way to share
data. Your employees should have one-stop access to company information such
as HR forms, internal job postings, project timelines and contact databases.
If you don't want workers to have to follow a breadcrumb trail of e-mail
attachments, bulging paper files or folders strewn around the company
server, you need an intranet.

CRMDaily.com 4/23/01
XML gains support as standard net language

by Geoff Brown
XML (extensible markup language) may eventually become the dominant standard
for storing and sharing documents if its proponents have their way -- a move
that could vastly improve data sharing over the Internet.
Like HTML (hypertext markup language), the widely used language for creating
Web sites, XML is a pared-down subset of SGML (standard generalized markup
language) that is designed especially for Web documents. However, unlike
HTML -- which some say has been stretched way beyond its limits -- XML
allows designers freedom to customize codes, allowing a much greater range
of functionality.

The Digital Chosun 4/24/01 (Korea)
Editorial: Tracing Bank Accounts

The National Tax Service, Fair Trade Commission and Financial Supervisory
Service have the authority to trace banks accounts in exceptional cases
under the Real Name Financial Transaction Law. According to documents
submitted to the National Assembly, in addition there have been hundreds of
blank requests issued by government agencies, which is an horrendous abuse
of power and an infringement of the privacy guaranteed by the constitution.
Furthermore, the blank request system is like a speeding locomotive with no
way to stop damage, or abuse.

Inside China Today 4/23/01
Moscow returns key data on young Mao, Zhou to Beijing

Agence France Presse
MOSCOW, Apr 23, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) Key data on 1920s
revolutionary activities in China by later communist leaders Mao Zedong and
Zhou Enlai were returned to Beijing Monday from the vaults of Russia's state
archives where they have languished for decades, ITAR-TASS news agency said.

Irish Independent 4/23/01
Historical papers are in danger of rotting

THOUSANDS of important historical documents dating back to the time of
Pirate Queen Grace O'Malley in the 1580's are under threat from damp and
rot, writes Tom Shiel.

Nebraska Journal-Star 4/23/01
Homestead wins grant to save historic photos

by Stephanie Geery-Zink
Beatrice Daily Sun
Homestead National Monument of America has received a grant to train people
to scan thousands of images from the national park's photograph collection
and file them via computer.
Homestead Superintendent Mark Engler said the $15,000 grant came from the
National Park Foundation for a Senior Ranger Corps. Funds were provided by
United Parcel Service.

San Antonio Express-News 4/23/01
Agent Orange research in peril

by Sig Christenson
For more than two decades, Brooks AFB led a trailblazing study into the
health effects of Agent Orange, a herbicide used during the Vietnam War that
some scientists and veterans groups have linked to cancer, birth defects and
other illnesses.
Now, however, 8 million documents at the base risk being lost - a move that
researchers and some in Congress say would hamper any future research

ComputerUser.com 4/23/01
Linking of federal documents raises privacy fears

sharing among federal government agencies can help increase efficiency and
lower costs, but it may also threaten the anonymity of sensitive data and
present many new privacy concerns for U.S. citizens, according to a report
by the General Accounting Office (GAO).
In a 172-page report entitled "Record Linkage and Privacy: Issues in
Creating New Federal Research and Statistical Information," the GAO explains
that the increasingly common practice of linking data sets from several
different agencies often creates new information about citizens. That new
data can in turn be used to unwittingly or maliciously identify citizens
whose identity was previously masked by the separation of that data.

New York Times 4/23/01
CNN video archives to become digital database

by Susan Stellin
CNN, with the help of I.B.M. and Sony Electronics, is taking a big first
step toward a digital TV news library.
Sony and I.B.M. plan to announce a new system today that will convert the
115,000 hours of videotape that CNN, a unit of AOL Time Warner, has
collected the last 21 years, creating a computerized database that will make
it easier to find, retrieve and distribute news clips.

New York Times 4/23/01
>From diary to history books

Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The man was into everything, knew everyone who counted,
had a measure of success, but never climbed as high on the government ladder
as he might have wished.
Nonetheless, historians care about Benjamin Brown French.
French left behind a written record that opens a wide window on the people
and events of early Washington. His journals make him a much-quoted source
about the drama of the Civil War capital and Abraham Lincoln's White House.

New York Times 4/22/01
Magazine - What they were thinking
Kenneth Mickey, Kansas City, Mo., November 2000

"I'm in my office, about 150 feet underground. We are inside caves -- well,
they call them caves, but they're really limestone mines. This is a
subtropolis, a metropolis but underground.

New York Times 4/23/01
To preserve dance on film, a passionate infusion of oxygen

by Anna Kisselgoff
Nowadays owadays an American cult idol for hip French film fans is more
likely to be Merce Cunningham than Jerry Lewis, thanks largely to the
Cinémathèque de la Danse, a trove of dance films in Paris.
Hardly the usual dance film research archive, the Cinémathèque is a movable
feast of new, old and rare dance films repeatedly on show throughout the

The Business Journal 4/20/01
Opinion: Open Secret

The concept of open government sometimes falls at odds with economic
development activities. That's one reason the state provides exemptions to
the Open Records Act regarding business expansion.

Los Angeles Times 4/23/01
Patients can rest easier when it comes to medical privacy issues

by Benedict Carey
Whether it's a sexual problem, a nervous breakdown or something less
glamorous, most of us have a secret or two in our medical resume that we
don't want buzzing around in some database--at work, say, or a drug
company--where it doesn't belong.

Start Tribune 4/22/01
Report: Responses to open record requests raise question

Associated Press
GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) -- Some law enforcement agencies in Brown County
require those asking for public records to pay excess fees or give personal
information that a legal expert says should not be needed, a newspaper

Star-Herald 4/23/01
Digital imaging lab to be set up at Chadron State College

CHADRON - A corporation that specializes in digital imaging will set up a
laboratory at Chadron State College this summer, and will begin digital
preservation of an early 20th century photography collection housed on the

St. Louis Post-Dispatch 4/23/01
Freedom to receive information doesn't mean that it's free

by Dawn Fallik
Smashed your car in University City? That accident report will cost you $10.
It's cheaper to crash and burn in the city of Union, where $2 will get the
same report.
And if you want to make copies, stay away from St. Ann's city office, where
the first page will cost a whopping $4, followed by $1 for each additional
page. That's compared with the 10-cent-per-copy market rate, according to a
state audit.

Baltimore Sun 4/23/01
A maturing campus keeps eye on its past

by Jamie Smith Hopkins
Thirty years ago, workers raced to finish Howard Community College's first
building - a spare concrete structure that stood on a nearly bare expanse of
land south of Little Patuxent Parkway.
They didn't make it. Classes started two weeks late for the 850 students.

Baltimore Sun 4/23/01
Pass It On helps preserver small pieces of history

by TaNoah Morgan
Nancy Davis' store is the 7-Eleven of preservation.
Pass It On, a supply store that recently opened in Savage Mill, has products
that will keep silver from tarnishing, paper from decaying and photographs
from yellowing as time metes out its punishment on treasured items.
With her niche-market store, Davis is hoping to fill a void in the
marketplace for average people who want to keep heirloom quilts or priceless
photographs in mint condition, but don't need enough materials to start a
small museum.

Cincinnati Enquirer 4/23/01
Agency improperly withheld Henry pay records, subpoenas

Associated Press
FRANKFORT, Ky. - Payment records and subpoenas related to an investigation
of Lt. Gov. Steve Henry were withheld from reporters in violation of the
Kentucky Open Records Act, the attorney general has ruled.

The Holland Sentinel 4/23/01
Archives examines lives of baby boomer parents

by Rachel Izzo
Special to The Sentinel
Juke and Sylvia Becksvoort of Holland sat at their kitchen table recently
and reminisced about their memories of World War II.
"In 1940, I was 20 years old," said Juke, now 81 years old. "So I knew that
I would be a prime target for military service. In August of 1942, I went
into service."

Wall Street Journal 4/23/01
Peering over the hedge becomes a breeze as Web users discover real-estate

by Patricia Davis
PITTSBURGH -- Ron Hartwick hasn't seen some of his friends from Gateway
Senior High School in a long time. He graduated in 1968. But he knows how
much some of them paid for their houses, what their houses look like and how
big they are.
He figures he has checked the online property records of about a hundred
high-school acquaintances and another 900 or so people who live in the area.
He looked up the house he grew up in on Heartwood Drive in Monroeville to
see how many times it has changed hands.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Manager, Records Management Group
Woodside Summit Group Inc
Midlothian, Virginia
Office: 804-744-1247 x23
Fax: 804-744-4947

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