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Fw: Digital Recording Report

I thought this would be of interest and I didn't see it covered in my admittedly rather rapid reading of your newsletter.
Steve Smolian
----- Original Message -----
From: e cummings
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 11:06 AM
Subject: Digital Recording Report


Angela and I enjoyed talking with you at the New Castle hamfest about the archiving of audio recordings and the implications of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA.)  Last week we went to the Second Circuit Federal Appeals Court to hear arguments from 2600 Magazine (which I've been a writer for since 1986) that challenge the constitutionality of this new law.  Predictably, the MPAA and the Bush Justice Dept. argued the opposing viewpoint.  Here are some articles about the case I thought you might find interesting, since the DMCA can effectively make it impossible for archivists to access digital recordings that they have purchased:


On another note, here's some information about a new federal report on digital recording systems for law-enforcement agencies.  I presume you have contacts that can forward you a copy.  If you get one, I'd be interested in reading it.

Digital Recording

The NLETC-West has received copies of a report entitled, “An Evaluation of Commercial Digital Recording Systems.”  This report has restricted distribution, but is releasable to law-enforcement agencies.

To obtain a copy of this report, submit a request on agency letterhead:
National Law Enforcement Corrections Technology Center  West
c/o The Aerospace Corporation
P.O. Box 92957 M1-300
Los Angeles, CA 90009-2957

This report documents the results of the evaluation of commercial digital recording systems.  The digital recording systems were PC-based and used various digital compression methods.  The evaluation focuses on testing the resolution of each system in a typical perimeter configuration and using a standard EIA resolution test chart.

The evaluated systems include:
- CCTVware Enterprise by Loronix Information Systems
- NiceVision by Nice Systems
- 2
nd Eyes Plus by Primary Image Vision Systems Ltd.
- Pico 2000 Digital Surveillance Recorder by UniVision (Canada) Ltd.
- Digital Security Monitoring and Storage System (DSMS) by Kallix Corporation.

For more information about the report, please contact the NLETC-West office at (888) 548-1618 or

Finally, the next time I'm up in Luzerne County, PA I'll look for that German wire recorder and recordings I mentioned to you.  You are welcome to the machine; I'm only interested in hearing the recordings my late father made in his youth.


Ed Cummings