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Re: newspapers, etc.

Title: RE: newspapers, etc.

Well said.  And as with the Baker discussion-if you only ask the question "is there information of value to researchers in these clippings?" you are only part of the way there.  More important is determining how these clippings stack up (sorry-could not help myself) versous other materials that need attention among your shop's priorities.   Then you get to decide...do these clippings warrant resources instead of x y or z.

Also, it seems to me there are three distinct situations that have been discussed:
1.  clippings in manuscript/archival materials
2.  collections of clippings
3.  runs of newspapers

I think each one might need different treatment....


Tom Heard, CA
AIG Archives-Executive Records
American International Group, Inc.
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70 Pine Street
New York, NY 10270

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