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politics and government employees

This is a note to remind Archives List readers that many subscribers read and
post to the List from their work e-mail accounts.  Many are government
employees.  To paraphrase what is listed on the web site for the U.S. Office
of Special Counsel, under the Hatch Act, Federal employees are prohibited
from soliciting or discouraging the political activity of anyone with
business before their agency.  Nor may they engage in political activity
while on duty. (Check out http://www.osc.gov/hatchact.htm)  Although the
Hatch Act focuses on political campaigning, it's good to keep in mind its
underlying purpose as you consider the recent political postings on this
List.  Federal employees are paid by the U.S. government, which gets money
through all of our tax dollars.  They are supposed to carry out their workday
duties objectively.  So, I would guess that many government employees prefer
to play it safe and avoid getting drawn into political postings through their
work accounts.  BTW, I am posting this from my personal account at home
although I also subscribe to the List through my government work account.
Maarja Krusten