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Preservation policies

the following is cross-posted from the UKs archives-nra list. Please do not
reply to me. Reply directly to Siân Yates at
mailto:archives@BANKOFSCOTLAND.CO.UK. Siân is not a subscriber to either A&A
or recmgmt-l. Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

I have been asked to draft a preservation policy for the archives at Bank of
Scotland.  I was wondering if any other institutions already have such a
in place, and if so, could they give me any advice, e.g on the scope and
of such a document, how they went about producing it, how it was implemented

I'd be particularly interested in hearing from institutions that do not have
in-house conservation unit.


Siân Yates
Assistant Archivist

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Manager, Records Management Group
Woodside Summit Group Inc
Midlothian, Virginia
Office: 804-744-1247 x23
Fax: 804-744-4947

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