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Re: A rose by any other name? I don't think so!

Very broadly speaking were all information specialists.  However that said there are significant differences between the type of information we handle and how that information is used. 
The concept of the archival bond is very foreign to librarians.
I usually describe what a library would be like organized according provenance rather than subject.  All the books arranged by publisher, then by editor, then by author and finally by date.
The other profession that has trouble understanding archives is that of museum curator.  They constantly treat archives as funny museums that collect paper and when they actually acquire archival materials they tend to treat the documents as artifacts.
There is a definite problem here that goes back to the lack of competent training provided in library and museum graduate programs.
W. Mark Ritchie
Heritage Resource Management Associates
228 Broken Oak Crescent
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2N 1N7
Phone: 519 745 5586
Fax     : 519 745 3585
Website: http://granite.sentex.net/~ritchpat/hrma.html
When does posterity start?