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(17:55) Israeli embassies on alert, Palestinians celebrate
By The Jerusalem Post Internet Staff
Israel has evacuated some staff members at its embassies throughout the world in the aftermath of today's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, according to a CNN report.
The embassy in Washington and consulate in New York are still open.
Reports are indicating residents of eastern Jerusalem, the West Bank, and southern Lebanon are celebrating the mass terror attacks in the United States at this time.
Dozens of Palestinian youths have taken to the streets and are distributing candies on a main thoroughfare passing through eastern Jerusalem.
Israeli police are reportedly clashing with the youths.
Elsewhere in the West Bank, Palestinian Authority policemen are attempting to stop the spontaneous celebrations.
On a visit throughout Jerusalem's Old City, JPost Radio's Dave Bender heard a spectrum of opinions about today's horrific terrorist attacks along the US eastern seaboard.
Some Palestinians celebrated upon hearing about the attack, calling it a fit and proper response to US support for Israel. Others were saddened by the scope of the horror.
Local Christian residents of the Old City were dismayed, somber.
American Christian tourists were simply frightened.
A group of American Jewish seminary students from New York were worried for the fate of their families, still trapped on Manhattan island.