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Re: What is to be done?

Title: RE: What is to be done?

Daryl's remarks hit the nail on the head and I would like to echo these sentiments. This has escalated to the point of the absurd and destructive.

Folks, take a deep breath and hesitate before you go firing off another emotion-dripping, inflammatory posting in response to an equally emotion-dripping inflammatory AND OFF-TOPIC posting. My "DELETE" key is quickly wearing out...this is NOT the forum, unless you want to provide chapter and verse for primary sources as held in your collections  to for your arguments (and I'm being generous in even describing some of what has passed across this list in the past 24 hours as "argument!). If you want to be inflammatory, why not message the individuals involved...or do we need to, once again, revisit "REPLY" versus "REPLY TO LIST?"

Dennis Moser