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Fw: Fwd: Light a Candle for Unity

I forwarded this to a few people, including my mother who lives in Idaho.  She emailed me back and reminded me that the timing is off in this particular email.  So, for instance, it is nearly 4:30 here - that means it's 2:30 in Idaho, and it's only 1:30 on the far west coast, and in middle america, it's 3:30 - so basically, start with 10:00pm EST when it's supposed to be, and go from there.  You know where you are, and what time it will be - and, here I hear that this will be on Friday, it wasn't yesterday.
Best regards and thinking especially of those in NYC and DC, as well as the families of those on the crashed planes,
Anna Truman
Records Specialist
University of Cincinnati
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:13 AM
Subject: Fwd: Light a Candle for Unity

This is all I will post on the subject just because I think it's a fine idea and some of you may be interested, and then I'll unsubscribe for awhile.


A business contact sent this piece to me, and I wanted to share it with you. LIGHT A CANDLE FOR UNITY!

Though terrorists may have struck out at us as Americans, let us come together and show our unity. Let us show that though we may have been hurt, they cannot dim the light which burns in the hearts of all Americans.

ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2001 AT 10:30PM (Eastern Time), 9:30PM (Central) AND 8:30PM (Pacific), walk out your door and light a candle or lantern to show the world that our spirit burns bright. Gather with you loved ones, friends, and neighbors and let your light burn in the night to show that we are united and that we remain strong.

Please pass this on to anyone you know. Print it up and pass it to anyone who may not have e-mail. Post it on message boards, anywhere and everywhere there are PROUD AMERICANS.


The views expressed here are those of the individual author only and not necessarily those of the Chemical Heritage Foundation.


The views expressed in this message are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Chemical Heritage Foundation.