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Virus notice

Title: ARCHIVES Digest - 19 Sep 2001 to 20 Sep 2001 (#2001-264)
A subscriber notified me that the NCC Washington Update in yesterday's messages was flagged by her Norton AntiVirus software as containing an unnamed virus.  Norton caught the bug before it infected her system.
One of the reasons the A&A List was reconfigured to strip attachments was to minimize the impact of evil macros in attached documents.  Not being at Miami University, the host of the list, I'm not sure what other anti-virus efforts the Listserv software goes through.
The Terms of Participation notes that reports of viruses should not go to the list (they're off topic; one hopes that people have other channels to learn about things like viruses, and more significantly, the warnings are usually hoaxes).  I'm making an exception here because there is a known, confirmed virus that is going around and creating fair havoc on many systems.  I know of at least one major agency that is refusing all email to protect itself.
Please be sure to update your antivirus software.  I'm doing this daily from Norton.  While they normally don't allow this morning than once a week (to balance load), they're providing updates almost every day right now.
Richard Pearce-Moses