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University of Arizona Library Survey

The University of Arizona Library is pursuing ways to make Reference Services more available in all the Library sites. We would appreciate your assistance in filling out the following survey and returning it by October 15, to Jan Kathy Davis (davisj@u.library.arizona.edu). Information provided will be kept confidential. Thanking you in advance for your time and participation.




1. What academic programs do you support?


2. What degree levels are associated with those programs?


3. What is the population of the programs? Student population? Faculty population?


4. Do you keep gate counts? What is your annual traffic?


5. Do you serve an outside community? If so, what percentage of your total patrons do they represent?




1. Who provides Reference Services (e.g. student employees, staff, librarians, archivists, volunteers)?


2. If student workers provide Reference Services, what qualifications do you require for hiring? How are they trained?


3. How many people provide Reference Services? What is the average number of hours per week each person provides Reference Service?


4. Do you have assigned Reference staff at one site, or do they work multiple sites?

What are the benefits or challenges of this arrangement?


5. How is in-depth Reference provided when the Subject Specialist is absent?


6. What type of Reference training is provided and how often? Please describe your

training method (e.g. training modules, subject cross-training, etc.).




1. How are Reference Services for quality and effectiveness service evaluated (e.g. is a form, survey, or other assessment tool used)?


2. How are Reference Services marketed (e.g. flyers, web pages, bookmarks, email announcements)?




1. Does your library offer scheduled Reference Service hours? If so, what are they and what criterion was used to identify them?


2. Is there a designated area for Reference Services?


3. When someone is scheduled to provide Reference Service, from where is it provided (e.g. Reference Desk, on the floor, from their office or desk)?




1. What major changes or trends have you experienced in providing Reference Services in the last three years (e.g. expansion or reduction of reference hours; expansion or reduction in demand for reference assistance)?


Jan Kathy Davis
University of Arizona
Special Collections Library
P.O. Box 210055
Tucson, AZ  85721-0055
(520) 621-8842 FAX:  (520) 621-2709