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Re: Certification Discussion

My concern about the CA examination is that it couldn't possibly capture and test all the duties of an archivist. While I agree that there is a certain body of knowledge that can be tested on (i.e. record groups, series, original order, etc.), most of the time our tasks range widely and wildly. I also have some misgivings about the definition of an archivist that might be reflected by the exam. SAA tends to define an archivist as a records manager, yet most of us are in charge of motley collections of records, papers, objects, bizarre collections, etc. that require a lot of different strategies. Why would I want to pay to take an exam that would prove I know the basics of a narrow chunk of an archivist's job, when it's really my ability to manage a wide range of materials and to think creatively that's my strength?
Ms. Georgen Gilliam
Utah State University Libraries
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin