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Re: Thomas Berry's apology to his employer



    I am sending this message as one of support for your earlier attempts on the list to problem solve about your job.  I was distressed this morning to read your lengthy apology to your employer on our listserv, because of your past comments about your job difficulties.  Many (most?) of us have experienced similar problems to yours in our jobs--a lack of respect for our professional concerns or unrealilistic expectations that we will take on  more and more responsibilities without additional staff or budget support.

    Although I have sometimes cringed at your very blunt descriptions of your problems related to management in your organization,  I could definitely identify with the stress and pressures that you found yourself working under.  I was upset by your apology, though, today because it seemed coercive and tried to dismiss or erase the *very legitimate* grievances that you had outlined previously.    Although each of us should be circumspect in "airing our dirty organizational laundry" on the list, I do feel that this listserv can serve as a sounding board  for help with the full range of archival responsibilities, including managing an archives and dealing with unsupportive supervisors.
      Anyway, it was very painful reading your lengthy, and in my opinon, inappropriate apology to us.  You could simply have said that you regretted some of your more inflammatory comments to the list and that you would moderate your messages in the future.    It would have been nice to hear that this past manager either recognized or agreed with many of your  difficulties on the job, then it might have been worth being raked over the coals. HA  So, take care, and keep fighting the good fight, Tom--
                        Sincerely yours,  Lucinda

Lucinda Manning
UFT Archives & Records Center
United Federation of Teachers
260 Park Ave. South
NY, NY   10010