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Preserving Websites

Title: ARCHIVES Digest - 31 Oct 2001 to 1 Nov 2001 (#2001-304)
I have a request from an organization that wants to know if they should,
and how to, save web site information when they update their site.  I
think there were some messages about this not too far past.  Does
anyone remember this thread?
Susan F. Walker
Fire Protection Publications Library

Don't forget that you can search the archives of the Archives listserv at
I did a search on the words preserv website with the substring search option on and got fifteen hits:
Item # Date Time Recs   Subject
019009 97/02/25 08:12 141 website records management
021056 97/07/16 11:57 14 Archiving Websites
021057 97/07/16 12:02 31 Re: Archiving Websites
021069 97/07/17 11:10 31 Re: Archiving Websites
026398 98/03/19 12:13 29 Re: Photo Preservation - help
029702 98/08/04 23:57 88 SPAM on the LIST
030637 98/09/17 10:22 73 Archiving Campus Web Pages - General questions
045721 00/07/01 15:14 46 converting old home movies
047366 00/08/31 12:01 83 Re: Archiving Websites
047498 00/09/02 16:19 144 FWD: NCC WASHINGTON UPDATE, Vol. 6, #29, September 1, 2000
047500 00/09/02 17:55 173 Re: FWD: NCC WASHINGTON UPDATE, Vol. 6, #29, September 1, 2000
052129 01/03/02 14:50 76 Summer Internship--IUPUI
056038 01/08/28 09:28 50 College & University Study Discussion Groups
056918 01/09/27 21:37 83 Re: A modest proposal
056935 01/09/28 09:06 37 Re: A modest proposal
If an organization publishes information on its site which a consumer may reasonably use as the basis of a decision, the organization is at risk if the consumer's decision goes awry as a result of the information.  The level of risk, of course, depends on the advice.  If the advice is to use cinammon instead of ginger and the pumpkin pie turns out inedible, the risk is low.  If the site says use asprin over ibuprofen and the consumer could die, the risk is higher.
As a result, the organization will want to be able to demonstrate the content and context of the website if the information places the organization at a level of risk that there may be some litigation. 
There's a really great PowerPoint presentation (with the text of the lecture, not just the slides) What's New : As a Trial Attorney, How Would I Attack the Way You Manage Your Electronic Records?  Bradley J. Hulbert (hulbert@mbhb.com), McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff, Chicago, IL
Richard Pearce-Moses