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Re: Fundraising

I wonder if anybody is using fundraising software like eTapestry.com or a fundraising consultant?
-----Original Message-----
From: Herb Hartsook [mailto:HERB@GWM.SC.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:26 AM
Subject: Fundraising

Most development experts advise that a broadcast appeal is likely to generate a small number of contributions, and mostly in small amounts.  It is generally accepted that to garner major gifts, you target individuals of affluence and influence, develop those relationships, and hope to interest those people in your work to the degree that they will adopt you and your organization. 
We tried both courses.  Our broad appeal resulted chiefly in gifts of $25 to $200, with a rare $500 or $1,000 gift.  By targeting people capable of a major gift, over the past five years we have raised endowments approaching $600,000 and believe we have laid the foundation to more than double that total over the next year or two. 
Major donors have helped us in other ways, most notably in suggesting collections we might solicit, and then helping us negotiate for the materials. 
Good luck.
Herbert J. Hartsook, Curator of Modern Political Collections
South Caroliniana Library
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
(803) 777-0577
"Life is not easy, and least of all is it easy for either the
man or the nation that aspires to do great deeds."  TR