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Friday amusement #2

As we all know, it is absolutely forbidden to have food in the
archives--except that I am in the process of mounting an exhibit (open
today in an "under construction mode," to allow today's graduates and
their families to enjoy it) whose theme includes military cooking and
rations. So for the past couple of weeks, I have had in my archives
some cans of Spam, jars of dried beef, MREs, reproduction C, D, and K
rations, M&Ms, and a case of Hershey chocolate bars!

Now I have to figure out what I do with those items when I take down
the exhibit--store them in the archives in perpetuity, or not? Several
of the items I have "loaned" to the exhibit, including some Desert
Storm era MREs, the Spam and dried beef, etc., so I think after the
exhibit, I will un-loan them and take them home (the actual donor of
the MREs said he would be happy to eat the Spam.) I have a feeling I
can find people around the library to take care of the Hershey bars
and M&Ms. But I'm not sure about the reproduction rations. I might
need them for another exhibit sometime. On the other hand, I'm not
sure I want to keep cute little wrapped packages of graham crackers,
etc., in the archives storage area. They might attract undesirable

Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer
Special Collections Librarian/Archivist

Culinary Institute of America
1946 Campus Drive
Hyde Park, NY  12538
(845) 451-1757

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