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St. Joseph News-Press 01/01/02
County gets new recorder of deeds

by Burton Taylor
Karen Higginbotham assumes the responsibilities of Buchanan County's new=20
recorder of deeds today.=20
She was sworn in Monday after Gov. Bob Holden selected her to fill the=20
position, which was vacated by retiring Barbara Culp Smith at midnight New=20
Years Eve.=20

Dallas Morning News 01/01/02
Racial profiling ban takes effect


by Dan Malone
"Driving while black," minorities have long said, was all it took to get=20
pulled over by police in some parts of Texas.=20
A law that takes effect Tuesday makes it illegal for police to stop people=20
based on their race.=20
It also requires officers to keep records documenting the race of those they=
stop. Agencies can make written records of arrests or videotape them.=20

New York Times 12/28/01
The Year in Internet law

by Carl S. Kaplan
What happened in cyberlaw during the past year that was significant and=20
enduring -- or at least interesting? That's the question Cyber Law Journal=20
put to several well-regarded law professors and legal practitioners.=20

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va

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Courier New" LANG=3D"0">There are x stories in this posting
<BR>Washington Times 01/01/02
<BR>Author under fire on accuracy of gun research
<BR>by Robert Stacy McCain
<BR>Michael Bellesiles' book "Arming America" won praise from gun-control ad=
vocates for "demolishing the myth" behind the individual right to gun owners=
hip, with reviewers calling the book "exciting" and "valuable and thought-pr=
<BR>Now Mr. Bellesiles' book, which contended that private gun ownership was=
 uncommon in early America, is being called something else: a fraud.
<BR>Boston Globe 12/31/01
<BR>Turnpike board members say they're being stonewalled in records request
<BR>by John Mcelhenny
<BR>BOSTON (AP) Two embattled Turnpike Authority board members say turnpike=20=
staffers who delayed turning over public records are preventing them from fi=
ghting acting Gov. Jane Swift's attempts to fire them.=20
<BR>Chicago Tribune 01/01/02
<BR>J.P.Morgan Chase: objects to insurers seeing Enron details
<BR>NEW YORK -- After demanding payment from insurance companies that backed=
 more than $1 billion worth of oil and gas contracts signed by Enron Corp.,=20=
J.P. Morgan Chase is trying to prevent the insurers from getting details abo=
ut the transactions.
<BR>Washington Post 12/31/01
<BR>D.C. Schools, city may share student data
<BR>by Sewell Chan
<BR>City and school officials in the District would share access to students=
' academic, health and welfare records, starting this fall at nine low-perfo=
rming schools, under a proposal that the Williams administration is pushing=20=
as a way to help children whose problems in class are linked to poverty.
<BR>Houston Chronicle 01/01/02
<BR>Feds move to dismiss privacy suit
<BR>by Rosanna Ruiz
<BR>Attorneys for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have file=
d a motion to dismiss a suit by a physicians group and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul se=
eking to overturn medical privacy regulations as unconstitutional.=20
<BR>Idaho Statesman 01/01/02
<BR>Rare old Nez Perce documents published
<BR>by Adam Wilson
<BR>Lewiston Morning Tribune
<BR>LEWISTON -- Indian Agent James O=B4Neill was trying to dodge the usual b=
ureaucratic hoops and hang on to an increasingly shaky peace in Lapwai 135 y=
ears ago.=20
<BR>"The Indians (Nez Perce) are divided among themselves and the non-treaty=
 side are using this argument, that the government will take their own time=20=
for fulfilling the stipulations of the new treaty as they have the one of Ju=
ne 1855 and they say possibly never pay them," he wrote to his superiors.=20
<BR>Florida Times-Union 01/01/02
<BR>Judge: Police cannot release mug shots of arrested officers
<BR>JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - The police department cannot release mug shots of a=
rrested officers because of an exemption to Florida's public records law, a=20=
judge ruled.=20
<BR>Circuit Judge Frederick B. Tygart said Friday the state's public records=
 law forbids police agencies from releasing photographs of officers who requ=
est privacy, regardless of whether the officer has been arrested.=20
<BR>Washington Post 01/01/02
<BR>Monsanto hid decades of pollution
<BR>by Michael Grunwald
<BR>ANNISTON, Ala. -- On the west side of Anniston, the poor side of Annisto=
n, the people ate dirt. They called it "Alabama clay" and cooked it for extr=
a flavor. They also grew berries in their gardens, raised hogs in their back=
 yards, caught bass in the murky streams where their children swam and playe=
d and were baptized. They didn't know their dirt and yards and bass and kids=
 -- along with the acrid air they breathed -- were all contaminated with che=
micals. They didn't know they lived in one of the most polluted patches of A=
<BR>Richmond Times Dispatch 01/01/02
<BR>Monticello frequenting online sales
<BR>by Kate Andrews
<BR>Media General News Service
<BR>CHARLOTTESVILLE - The hole in Thomas Jefferson's head is not meant as a=20=
gesture of disrespect.
<BR>In fact, the Royal Doulton mug featuring Jefferson's bust and a Declarat=
ion of Independence scroll for a handle is considered a mark of prestige. Wi=
th a price to match: $202.80.
<BR>New Media 12/31/01
<BR>Beyond HTML: Security concerns with Google
<BR>by Danny Sullivan
<BR>Now that Google is indexing a wide range of document types beyond HTML a=
nd plain text formats, potential security concerns are cropping up, both for=
 searchers and Webmasters.=20
<BR>From the searcher point of view, the concern is that you might unwitting=
ly open yourself up to viruses that are embedded in non-HTML files, such as=20=
Word macro viruses.=20
<BR>St. Joseph News-Press 01/01/02
<BR>County gets new recorder of deeds
<BR>by Burton Taylor
<BR>Karen Higginbotham assumes the responsibilities of Buchanan County's new=
 recorder of deeds today.=20
<BR>She was sworn in Monday after Gov. Bob Holden selected her to fill the p=
osition, which was vacated by retiring Barbara Culp Smith at midnight New Ye=
ars Eve.=20
<BR>Dallas Morning News 01/01/02
<BR>Racial profiling ban takes effect
<BR>by Dan Malone
<BR>"Driving while black," minorities have long said, was all it took to get=
 pulled over by police in some parts of Texas.=20
<BR>A law that takes effect Tuesday makes it illegal for police to stop peop=
le based on their race.=20
<BR>It also requires officers to keep records documenting the race of those=20=
they stop. Agencies can make written records of arrests or videotape them.=20
<BR>New York Times 12/28/01
<BR>The Year in Internet law
<BR>by Carl S. Kaplan
<BR>What happened in cyberlaw during the past year that was significant and=20=
enduring -- or at least interesting? That's the question Cyber Law Journal p=
ut to several well-regarded law professors and legal practitioners.=20
<BR>Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
<BR>Richmond, Va</FONT></HTML>


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