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to America, comes:


Yes, you too can lose weight, and regain lost vigor

by simply plugging yourself into the wall for a daily
dose of health healing current.

WHAT??? You say?  110 volts?  Won't that kill me?

Not with the newly patented Health TRANSFORMer System

The Health TRANSFORMer System has been tested safe

in Norway, Denmark and Luxembourg for fifteen years

the results have been amazing.

There are no overweight persons in Luxembourg!  The

average Blood pressure there is 110/70.  Even among

Hyper thyroidism has been eliminated in Denmark!

In Norway Bursitis has vanished!

What is the secret?  The Health TRANSFORMer System!

By stepping down the alternating current flowing into

your body the Health TRANSFORMer System infuses your
system with safe, healing electricity which heals and
supports your bodily systems.

Your body runs on electrical impulses naturally, and
the Health TRANSFORMer System just makes it run that
much better!

Imagine:  today you are tired, run down and tonight
have to attend a meeting, a business party, or a
gathering you'd just as soon not attend.  You simply
attach the electrodes, plug the Health TRANSFORMer
System into the wall, and sizzle your way back to your

old energetic self.

Listen to what friends and neighbors have to say

the Health TRANSFORMer System --

"I was shocked, ha ha, to discover how much better I
Tom of Tulsa

"I can't tell you how much vigor I regained.  I'm a
new woman!"
Betty of Racine

"I'd pay a thousand bucks for this if I had to!"
Dave of Fresno


The Health TRANSFORMer System can be yours for only

three payments of $33.33, plus shipping and handling.

This price includes the Health Transformer, eight

electrodes, electrode wire, electrode cream, a power

cord, and a fully bladed razor.

All this for only three payments of $33.33.

All this and  more!  More !!   MORE!!!

And no, this is not a come on,

No, you do not get twelve steak knives,

No free cleaning supplies,

No vegetable chopper

No, you get the most precious gift we can offer:


For only $33.33 for three months.

Straight from the healthiest countries on earth to
your door.

Don't delay, order now!

Send your money to

Health TRANSFORMer System
335 Health Road
Wachtung, NJ  12642

Please note:  do not attempt to use the Health
TRANSFORMer System while in the shower, while watering
plants, while swimming or in a sauna.

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