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RAIN 01/06 (07): Weekend Update 01/05/02

There are 7 stories in this posting

Macon Telegraph 01/05/02
Commentary: Lessons of Watergate unlearned

by David B. Parker
Thirty years ago, Americans began to grow tired of secrecy in Washington. Publication of the Pentagon Papers in 1971 showed the White House and military leaders had lied to Congress and the American people about our actions in Vietnam. A year later, the larger web of deceit that came to be known as "Watergate" led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

National Post 01/05/02
1613 bible's future at a crossroads

by Anne Marie Owens
Churchgoers in Invermere, B.C. will vote next month on whether to sell an almost 400-year-old King James Bible that has been part of the church for nearly a century.
The rare treasure, which was published in 1613 and is known as the Dort Bible, has spent much of the last hundred years in relative obscurity, in the hands of a few church folk in this small town of about 4,000 in the East Kootenays.

New York Times 01/05/02
Records seized in investigation at National Arts Club

by Dinitia Smith and William K. Rashbaum
When the art critic Charles de Kay and the good-willed patriarchs of the New York art world founded the National Arts Club in 1898, they intended it to be a haven for artists where they could pursue their work in an elegant and nourishing environment.

New York Times 01/05/02
Sex offenders monitored by software

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) -- During a seminar on computer software designed to monitor children's Internet use and protect them from sexual predators, Don Spurlin wondered if the product couldn't be turned around to monitor the predators themselves.
Spurlin, a probation officer with a caseload full of sex offenders, contacted the maker of ``Cyber Sentinel.'' Security Software Systems had never considered using the software for law enforcement, but welcomed the idea.

Bryan-College Station Eagle 01/05/02
Agencies implement racial profiling ban

by Holly Huffman
Top administrators of Brazos County law enforcement agencies said Friday their departments are complying with the new state law prohibiting racial profiling, with Sheriff Chris Kirk predicting the law's requirements will prove that such profiling is a nonissue locally.

New York Times 01/05/02
'The Future of Ideas': protecting the old with copyright law

by Daniel Zalewski
Thanks to digital technology, a delightful new art form emerged this year: the fan edit. Devotees of the pop singer Bjork, for example, have begun running her songs through their computers, tweaking the beats and instrumentation, then posting hundreds of ''remixed'' versions on the Web. Some of these edits are tone-deaf; others, however, trump the original arrangements. And this summer, Mike J. Nichols, a ''Star Wars'' addict living in Santa Clarita, Calif., used his Macintosh to make a series of merciful cuts to ''The Phantom Menace'' -- most notably, the virtual elimination of the irksome Jar Jar Binks. Fans who obtained a copy of Nichols's ''Phantom Edit'' through the Internet hailed the arrival of a vastly improved (if not yet good) movie.

Associated Press 01/05/06
Downloaded file-sharing applications included Web-tracking program

by Anick Jesdanun
NEW YORK (January 5, 2002 12:47 a.m. EST) - Thousands of computer users who installed popular software for sharing digital audio and other computer files also unwittingly accepted a program that tracked their Web surfing habits.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va