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Re: Re-gifting

Title: ARCHIVES Digest - 5 Jan 2002 to 6 Jan 2002 (#2002-7)
This isn't personal experience, but I do know that the SD State Agricultural Museum, located on the campus of South Dakota State University, used to commonly receive things they had deaccessioned.  Being a state institution, they could not just throw or give stuff away--it had to go through the state surplus auction, which happened to be held 2x a year in the parking lot behind the museum.  After almost every auction they would find a box of items inside the front door--thanks to the ever vigilant citizens of SD who couldn't bear to see old tools sold to a private citizen when a perfectly good museum was just around the corner. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Pearce-Moses [mailto:rpm9@MINDSPRING.COM]
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 10:49 AM
Subject: Re-gifting

Michael Ravnitzky asked:
Has anyone ever deaccessioned or sold or threw away archival material and
then found that it had later been re-donated to the archives?

Not within any repository that I've worked at (that I know of).  However, I have seen records that were scheduled for destruction and on their way to the dump being commandeered by historical societies.  After all, everyone knows that if its a folio register bound in leather its historic . . . . <g>

-- Richard Pearce-Moses