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Re: Annual Budget

Title: RE: Annual Budget

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Schultz [mailto:CSCHULTZ@lib-gw.tamu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 5:42 PM
To: niannucc@EMMA.TROY.NY.US
Subject: Re: Annual Budget

It seems to me that you have been given an excellent opportunity to chart a course for your archives.
Were I in your position, I would develop a long range plan for say 5 years or more and then break it down into what you want to accomplish in each of those five years.  Then you need to decide what staff, equipment, and supplies you need to accomplish those goals.  Determine how much each of those things will cost in each of the years and then make your budget for the next year based upon those calculations.

You need to address each of the segments as though you have free reign for access to money.  If you ask for only a bare minimum that is what you will likely get.  If you ask for the sky your budget might be rejected out of hand.  You need to aim for somewhere between those two extremes.

You did not tell us much about your operation so it is hard to judge what you might need, but I do not know of a single archives that does not need more staff.  Only you will know if it is appropriate to ask for a second full time person in your first year, but you might have that in mind for some time within the next five years.  You did not indicate whether you are truly all alone of if you have some part time help or even student help.  You probably need to ask for some additional people time.

You will always need acid and lignin free boxes and folders to house what you will store permanently.  You can usually get a discount for ordering in bulk quantity.  Try to order enough of each to get such a discount even if you will not need all of them in the next year.

How are you situated for equipment.  Is there something you need to do your job more effectively.  Ask for it in you budget request and make as good a case for justifying it as possible.

Good luck in writing your budget.

Dr. Charles R. Schultz, CA, SAA Fellow
Clements Professor and Clements Archivist
Cushing Library
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX  77843-5000
FAX 979-845-1441

State-of-the-art automation will never beat the wastebasket
when it comes to speeding up efficiency in the office.
Ann Landers Gem of the Day, July 27, 1994